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Marissa's POV

As soon as I got back, Millie started speaking.

"Now for 7 minutes in heaven! I'll go get a bottle and let's see who'll kiss tonight." She said enthusiastically while smiling widely.

"Who will go first I wonder?" Sophia smirked looking at me. I begged her with my eyes but she wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Oh I know, Marissa!" Sophia exclaimed with sarcasm.

'Oh gee how lucky I am.' I thought.
Taking a quick glance at Jaeden, i grabbed the bottle from Sophia and placed it in the middle. I paused and noticed everyone watching. With one big gulp I spun the bottle, biting my lip out of nervousness.

Then the bottle landed in front of Finn. I was not going to do it.

"This is messed up!" Finn and I exclaimed at the same time. We all laughed and I looked at Jaeden and saw him looking at me too, then faced the rest of the gang again.

"I can't kiss Finn." I sighed.

"And I can't kiss Marissa." Finn sighed, giving me a wink as he looked between Jaeden and I.

"And why is that?" Jack asked with a smirk. I can see Chosen next to him trying not to laugh.

"Um, because he's my friend?" I said, stating the obvious.

"But you kissed Jaeden two hours ago and he's your friend." Emily blurted out.

Sadie, Sophia and Millie's eyes widened. I haven't told them.

"I'm going to the bathroom now." I replied, rolling my eyes as I got up and went.

Sadie, Sophia and Millie followed me and locked the door.

"Spill the tea now!" Millie whisper shouted.

"Well basically it was just a truth or dare game and I picked dare and the dare was to kiss Jaeden so I did it." I blushed so hard.

"Did you like the kiss?" Sophia asked with a light chuckle.

"No I hated it." I said with the highest amount of sarcasm. They all gasped and just looked at me. "Oh my God you guys I'm kidding! Of course I did, i loved it."

They all squealed and hugged me.

"Ready to go back out now?" Millie asked me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Yeah." I nodded.

We exited the bathroom to see all the boys and Mia, Emily and Florence on their phones. Probably texting eachother.

"Are you okay Marissa?" Jaeden asked me once I sat back down next to him.

"Yeah I'm good. The girls just didn't know about our kiss that's all." I shrugged.

"Okay then." He smiled.

"BACK TO THE GAME!" Millie shouted, laughing uncontrollably for no reason.

"This time let Florence go, her and a certain somebody need to get to know eachother." I smirked.

"Oh I'm good." Florence smiled.

"No, you do it." I insisted.

"Well you never kissed Finn." She pointed out.

"And you think I'd want to kiss that rat." I giggled.

"Just kiss Finn." Florence sighed in annoyance.

"Fine, come Finn." I rolled my eyes.

All the girls widened their eyes and I could see Jaeden turning his back. Little did he know i was only kissing his cheek.

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