different- peter parker

Start from the beginning

You cut the banana into slices and place them in a bowl. You walk into the TV room and sit on a couch with your bowl of banananas in your lap. No one even tries to subtly stare at you. You meet everyone's eyes and ask, "What?"

Steve speaks up. "Are you alright?" He asks in his 'concerned dad' voice.

"As good as I can be." You shrug, popping a slice of banana into your mouth.

"If you need assistance with anything, we'll be happy to help," Tony offers. You nod your head and quietly thank them, then you turn your attention to the TV.


"Y/N?" You hear a voice at your bedroom door. "It's Bucky? May I come in?"


Bucky opens your door and leans against the doorframe. "I was, uh, wondering if you want to, y' know, uh, talk? About the arm?"

You hesitate to answer, as you still don't feel like talking to anyone. On the other hand (pun NOT intended), Bucky could give you advice on how to work your body when you're missing a limb. "Yeah, sure. I have a question, actually. How do you tie your hair up with one arm?"

After about an hour of talking and teaching and advice-giving, you feel a lot better and more confident. You walk downstairs and see that Natasha, Wanda, Steve, Peter, and Tony (he was just watching) were playing 'Sorry!'. You smile in confidence and sit down in a chair and watch your friends play.

After a minute, you casually ask, "Hey, Tony, when will my prosthetic arrive?"

Tony looks at you wide-eyed like he was surprised that you asked him. "I, uh, didn't make one yet."

"Why not?" Tony shrugged. You squinted like you didn't believe him. "Wh-why wouldn't I want one? Do you, like, not have the materials? Did you run out of money? Did you forget?" You accused.

"Y/N, I'm sorry, I- I've just been too busy with other stuff." You put your hand on your hip and move your eyes between him and the board game. "Okay, not at the moment, I'm taking a break. I've been kind of stressed."

"Okay." You huff, then throw yourself back into the squishy chair and take out your phone. You look up the prices at the nearest prosthetic company. "Can I borrow 100,000 dollars, Tony?"

Tony looked at you in disbelief and shock. "Why the hell do you need so much money?"

"Prosthetic arm 'cause you're not getting me one, so I thought I'd take matters into my own hands." You shrug.

Tony sighs and rolls his eyes. "Since you're so persistent, I'll whip up an arm really quick. Right or left?"

You smile shyly, your mood changing from hostile to calm. "Right, please and thank you."


You're in the training room, teaching yourself how to control and maneuver your new arm. You test its strength and control by stacking weights.

"Oh, hi, Y/N." You turn to the door and nod a hello to Peter as he walks in and takes a seat on the floor next to you. "What are you doing?"

"Stacking weights. Helps with control." You sigh, tilting your head to the side.

"Is it working well? Do you like it?"

"Eh, it's working okay. I can move it, but it's hard to pick things up. I don't really like it. It's more complicated, and I need to take it off when I go swimming or take a shower or go in water. I can't feel anything that it touches, so that's the main thing." You mutter.

"Oh. I'm sorry." You look over at Peter, and he moves his hand off of your fake hand. "I- was trying to, y' know, comfort you. MJ said contact is comforting." Peter mumbled, his face turning a light shade of pink.

You laugh lightly and sigh. "Contact really is comforting." You extend your arms to hug him, but he doesn't move. You move closer and hug him, and just then he snaps out of his cluelessness and hugs you back, rubbing his hand across your back soothingly.

"I like you." Peter blurts, not breaking contact, but mentally jumping off the Avenger's tower because of how irrelevant and random that was.

"I like you too." You sigh.

"No, like more than a friend."

"Yeah, same."

"No, like I want to kiss you."


"On your lips."


"No, you don't get it-"

You unwrap your arms from him and cup his cheek to bring his face closer to yours. "I don't think you get it." You tilt your chin up and connect your lips. Peter stiffens, but you feel him smile and relax after a moment.

"You understand now?" You smile after you came apart.

"Hmm, not sure. Maybe you'll have to tell me again."

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now