"You probably miss your Pokémon don't you," said Crystal.

Red bowed his head. "I do. I wonder where they are, if they're safe, if someone gave them away. I wonder if maybe my body is out there, with all six of them, waiting for me to find it. I wonder if anyone is trying to find me still."

"I am," said Crystal. "Granted I guess I'm kind of supposed to release you, but I am still trying to find you."

Red looked up. "You mean that? Even though you're stuck with me."

"Well," Crystal continued, deciding to just tell him her intentions, "after being on the phone with my mother last night, I guess I realized how distressed my mother would be if I just vanished one day. I thought about how worried your mother probably is and I felt compelled. I thought about helping at first only so that your friends and family could see you again, but with your reasoning I want to help you. I may not like it, but I'm willing to try for you Red."

"Try what?" he asked, a smile coming to his face.

She shook her head. "You know, the whole trainer thing. If you feel that's how I follow in your footsteps best, then that's what we will do. What I'm trying to say is that you're my obligation and responsibility now, and I'm going to do my best for you. And I promise, Red, that I'm going to do my damndest to find you and set you free."

"Thank you Crystal," said Red.

Crystal nodded. "You're such a sap, I hope you know that. Jeez you just ate all of that up."

"You know it," he said.

It was at that moment that Nuria's Pokéball burst open, and with a sharp cry the creature began to curse at Crystal. Nuria paced, the fire plume on her back flaring up with every syllable of her name that she let out. Red started to crack up at the sight, holding his head to his mouth and laughing at certain parts.

"She's pissed at you for not letting her out, you know," said Red.

Nuria whirled around, as if to say 'I'm the one talking here'. "Cynda! Da Da Quil!"

"I'm sorry Nuria," said Crystal. "I would've let you out earlier but Red had me kind of sidetracked."

Nuria gave Crystal a skeptical look, and Red spoke instead. "Hey! It's not my fault you walked into a fireworks factory to ignore me."

"Excuse me," Crystal retorted. "It's not my fault you were being a twat and got me burned."

"Actually," said Red taking a moment to dramatically pause, "I thought we literally just agreed that it was both our faults."

She pinched her nose and took a deep breath in. "Sure. As long as we're settled. But for now Nuria and I have to settle ourselves."

"Sorry I put you up for so long," said Crystal to her Pokémon. "I really can't excuse myself there, I guess."

The Cyndaquil huffed. "Cynda..."

"Thanks," said Crystal, interpreting the action as a 'Well, I guess I did hurt you so it's only fair'. "And I know this is a lot, but I have something else to ask of you."

Nuria looked over at Red. "Daquil!"

"Yes," she said. "It's because of him. I want to ask you if you're alright with me becoming a trainer? We're going to continue to head through Johto collecting gym badges, since I have a responsibility to Red now, I guess."

"Da! Quil!" Nuria exclaimed, as if nodding her approval.

Crystal let out a sigh of relief. "Ok, that's good. We won't challenge the league or anything crazy like that. I just need to get us strong enough that we can make it to Ecruteak City and get Morty's help."

Finding RedWhere stories live. Discover now