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Loki sat at his desk, pen in hand, his arms staining the paper in front of him with drops of red. He was finally going to do it.

He was used to suffering, he knows everything about it. He's finally saying goodbye to the suffering.

He wrote what he had always wanted to say. He wrote to his mother and told her that he's sorry. He wrote to his father and told him that he forgives him. He wrote to his brother and thanked him. He told him that it's not his fault and that everything was just too painful. He told him that it's what's best for him, that he was only weighing him down.

Each paper had its own few stains of red when Loki was finished. He walked over to his window and took in the view. This isn't where he belongs. It's too grand and beautiful. He belongs in a small and barren wasteland with no one around.

There was a vine reaching side of his window. With each vine, there was a flower alongside it. They seem to be clematis.

Those are climbing buttercups. They represent ingenuity or artifice. It can also mean mental beauty.

Part of this applied to the boy. Loki could be cunning and he was definitely intelligent. The part that didn't describe him was the mental beauty part.

He stared at them for a while, seeing not a single flaw in any. Even the flowers were better then him.

He watched the beauty nature provided, wishing he could've been that perfect, when he noticed something. One of the flowers was wilting. It was like him.

He stared and smiled as his vision worsened, blood still spewing out of his body and either soaking his clothing or falling to the floor.

He picked the flower. If it was like him, it must wish for it's pain to be over as well. He placed the flower on the messy pile of papers.

He heard a knock at the door and someone say something. He didn't know who seeing as his ears refused to function. His knees gave up and he fell.

The door opened as Loki's eyes closed, a smile on his face as he welcomed the darkness.

The pain was finally gone and all it costed Loki was his life.

Loki: A Broken SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora