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The two brothers stayed there for hours and just held each other. Nothing mattered except each other in that moment.

Neither brother had any idea where to go from this point, but they know they'll do it together. The longer they hugged, the safer Loki felt. He wasn't alone anymore.

Thor had dreamed of this moment. This moment and the possible outcomes scared the life out of him for so long, but he did it. He did it and he finally has his baby brother back and he won't let go, not again, not ever.

They stood and hugged until Loki physically couldn't handle it and his knees went weak. Loki let out a tiny gasp as Thor hastily helped him to his feet and guided him to his bed, seeing as it was getting dark out, judging by the windows.

Thor looked around the room as they walked in silence and saw how pristine everything was in Loki's room. The walls were a spotless pale green and there was not a speck of dust to be seen. The floors were clean and his bed was made.

Everything had a place except his black bedside table. It had only a chipped glass of water in the center of it. The chip seemed to be sharp and a bit stained with a crimson red. What happened there? Thor wondered upon seeing the liquid he recognized to be blood.

This planted a seed in Thor's mind but he brushed it off, leaving the seed to grow with no water for it to develop with.

Loki noticed Thor looking and became a bit proud. He had kept his room perfect clean since before he could remember. It was the only thing in his life he could always count on being in good shape.

He couldn't keep his grades up, the teachers always assigned group projects and all of his peers seemed to despise him. They always pushed him and called him names. It really hurt.

They made him do all the work but told the teachers that he hadn't helped at all, earning him a zero which always ruined his grades. When his father saw his awful marks, he would beat him and tell him how worthless he was.

The mere thought of all those times made Loki shiver, catching Thor's eye. "Are you cold, brother?" Thor question with a hint of worry. "The thermostat is right down the hall, I can put the heat up if you need." Thor hastily added, wanting to make sure his brother was actually comfortable.

Loki genuinely smiled at his worry. Not in a long time had he felt this loved. "It's fine, Thor. No need to worry." Thor smiled at that response, glad he was comfortable.

"Now get out, I'm tired" Loki deadpanned, making Thor laugh. He did as told, wishing him a good night's rest and heading to bed himself.

Loki readied himself for bed, the events of that day replaying in his head. Most of him wanted to believe that Thor really wanted him, that he was truly loved, but a part of him couldn't help but think it was all a lie. I mean, how could anyone actually love Loki?

His hair was oily, his face was too pale, his eyes were to dark, and his lips were cracked. He's far too skinny, his stomach refuses food, and his teeth are too yellow. Everyone hates him and he knows it. There's no way Thor could ever want to be around him.

Thor's too good for him.

Thor wouldn't care if he disappeared.

No one would care if he was gone.

No one would even notice.

He'd be free.

Loki: A Broken SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora