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"It's alright, Little Lo', you're safe with me."

Thor cradled his infant brother in his arms, trying to stop his tears and calm his mind. The family had thrown a party for all of Asgard to attend and it was all too much for the small babe to handle. The noises seemed to do quite the number on the little one.

The older boy began to hum, hoping it would soothe the infant. The boy's emerald eyes softened and the noise around them ceased.

As the babe's cries grew softer, his eyes grew bigger, staring into his older brother's eyes and reaching for his hair.

"That's right, Lo', you're alright. Those loud oafs downstairs can't hurt you." Thor stuck out his tongue and chuckled. Loki giggled at his older brother and mimicked his face, sticking out his tongue and squeezing his eyes shut, grip on his brother's hair still present.

Thor smiles at the boy and made sure his blanket was encasing him, making the infant feel protected in the firm grasp of the silk and let go of the mop on his head. Thor then continued to cradle the boy, effectively making him begin to doze off.

Thor watched as the babe with the greenest eyes he had ever seen grew more weary by the moment. As the infants eyes finally had shut, releasing him to the world of dreams, the ruckus downstairs had begun once more and woke the poor babe right back up.

Thor began to try to soothe the infant with words to no use. The boy wailed and attempted to free himself from the sea green prison of blankets, wishing to latch onto his brother.

Thor caves and sat in the corner on the carpeted floors, allowing his brother to cuddle him while also being able to become comfortable himself. He wrapped his arms protectively around the babe, making him secure and making sure he would still be able to breathe. He had heard many awful horror stories of a mother's child dying in their grasp due to suffocation and it scared him into doing this every time he holds his brother to ensure his safety.

Loki smiled and yawned. He pushed his forehead to his brother's chest and slowly slipped into the darkness of sleep, his body relaxing and his mind at ease, despite the noise surrounding them.

Thor watched as his baby brother let himself fall asleep and finally relax, knowing his brother was protecting him, and he grew tired himself. He no longer wished to play with his friends, as long as he has his brother in his arms he is complete.

He knew that if he left him here now, he would wake and begin to cry once more so he let himself drift as well. With his baby brother in his arms and the darkness around them, Thor fell asleep, arms still protecting the babe and noises still surrounding them.

Day after Thanksgiving Oneshot composed of pure fluff. I'm such an angel today. Also, this can be part of the story if you want it to or not, it's not going to come up in the main plot, though.

Loki: A Broken SoulNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ