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There was a boy in a barren room. The boy was left alone with books and his mind being his only company while also counting as his best friends. Then again, his mind could hardly be counted as a friend. His mind is like someone who says they're your friend after they verbally abuse you for the seventh time that same day. The boy had closed his eyes for a moment. He forced his eyes open, only to be met with the same familiar darkness. He tried to wake, but he went the other way and drifted. He wished to escape from the realm he lives in, escape to a new reality. He wanted his dreams take conquer his day.

Instead of being met with candy and clear skies, he was met with starvation and the torturous grunts of the man who ruined his mind and his body. The horrid demons clawed at his slumber for several hours, giving him not ten minutes of peace. The boy arose shaken. Tears were pushing their way out and a sob was attempting to claw out his throat. His smaragdine went to his bedside table. Desperate, the boy went through the useless items, searching for tissues while in pitch black. The young boy gives up and feels his way to that lamp. His hand prods around a bit before he was able to find the switch. The boy's emerald eyes that reflected so much pain continued their search for something to help the clog in his nose and the ravine in his heart. The young boy saw what he was searching for. His lips curled up into a soft smile as he brought the tissue up to his face and freshened himself. It was of no use, he felt no better. His heart was still raging with emotion while his head was screaming insults. He went to close the drawer in frustration but something caught his eye and stopped him in his tracks. It was a blade. The boy picked it up and looked at it. He was entranced. The boy of fourteen brought the blade to his arm. He dragged it, the blade splitting the already bruised and blistering shell of his body. The first cut was like a switch. It cleared his airway and helped him breathe. Each slash made him feel as if weight had been removed from his being.

He was but a hungry boy, searching for nourishment. Now, he's greedy and won't stop. It makes him feel better.

The boy knows that no one would care if he wasn't there. No one would light a candle in remembrance. That's why he continued to do it. He kept slashing his arms, knowing no one loves him.

If only Loki had realized how much his brother loves him.

Someone tell me what's a good minimum amount of words for a chapter.

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