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The boy sat in his room, wrists displayed in front of him so he could admire his work. There were gashes littering his body. Loki couldn't help but feel a certain way. He couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was. Guilt? Pride, maybe?

Whatever it was, it was causing the pit in his stomach to be filled and the butterflies to migrate for the winter. He felt numb and he allowed himself to smile for the first time in a long while. Though, that smile never made it to his eyes.

His eyes remained that same flat emerald green that reflected all of his emotions. You could see the pain and lack of sleep through the mirror to his soul that was his smaragdine eyes.

He had stopped smiling and fighting a long while ago. He stopped caring and he stopped trying. All reason for his life had ended years ago anyways. No one would care if he disappeared. No one would even notice. They would be better off without him in the long run.

Loki just feels so trapped in his his reality. He hasn't been truly happy since him and Thor had grown apart. He would do anything for a moment of happiness with his big brother, even if it's the last time.

Even trying to convince himself that Thor would care about him doesn't help. He knows that if Thor wanted to talk to him, he would have done it a long time ago. He wouldn't be where he is now, blade in hand, numbness forever present.

He began to let his emotions go and let himself cry. He cried until his tear ducts were dry. He cried until his throat closed and he couldn't breathe. He felt like he was falling. His head was pounding and his heart was aching. He pressed the blade back on his skin, when he heard a very convenient knock on his door.

His first though was his father. If he knew about this new hobby he picked up, he would surely do something impulsive. He would hurt him.

He took a shaky breath. "Please, please go away." His voice was betraying him.

Another knock came, and another. With every knock, Loki rushes faster to get himself cleaned up and presentable for his father. By the fourth knock, Loki had cleaned himself up as well as he could at that moment.

The door knocked one last time and he heard a small thud. It seemed as though the person hidden behind the walls had leaned their head on the door.

"Loki, please let me in. I really want to talk."

Loki was instantly taken aback with the voice who pleaded to talk to him. He walked towards the door slowly and wordlessly, holding onto the hope that his brother might still care for him.

He reached the door and carefully put his open palm on it and leaned his forehead against the flakey wood silently.

There was silence for just a few more moments before his brother sniffled and spoke once more.

"I'm so sorry it took so long, Loki. I know I'm a bad excuse for a brother, but I want to try to make things better. I want to see you again."

The younger of the brothers let out a small, yet audible sob, one of which Thor had heard. He felt infinitely times worse. He thought of how much pain he must've caused his baby brother. If he had been better, Loki wouldn't ever had been upset. They wouldn't be in this situation.

Loki, of course, was freaking out. He knows this is probably a hoax to lure him into a false sense of security and that's when he will attack. On the other hand, he really wants this to be real. He wants to know that someone is there for him and loves him. He needs this.

"I love you"

I'm sorry, IT'S NOT WEDNESDAY YET oKaY. Give me a bReAk. For real, sorry this was so freaking late. I got busy. I also got this really cool Loki figure. It's so cute I love him.

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