|27| the Darklords Plan

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I felt uncomfortable... I kept adjusting my dress that aunt Narcissa had sent me just a few days ago by owl. I looked at myself in the mirror, the all black dress had made my hair look fiery red and brighter then it should be. "Why... do i have to do this" i muttered to my self as the faded V still scarred my skin. That marked showed that Voldemort himself had claimed me. "Eileen are you ready" yelled the cold voice of my father that went threw the empty house. "Not really" I yelled back taking one final glance at myself... before anything happens I should tell Neville before i sign my life away to Voldemort himself and put him in danger of getting killed.
I slowly made my way down the stairs to see my dad in his normal robes that he always wore at Hogwarts. "Why are you not dressed up" I questioned my father as he locked the front door.. "why do i need to dress up... this person isn't the queen of England herself" my dad stated turning around to look at me. "Where did you get that" he questioned. "Oh this" I replied picking up a pice of the black fabric. "Aunt Narcissa had gotten it for me.. sent it by owl"
"Thats nice of her" he muttered knowing well Narcissa had always wanted a daughter but got stuck with Draco.. so she has been sending a bunch of owls to spinners end. "It sure is.. but some of the items are well to fancy" i stated showing the black dress that i was currently wearing.
Father and I started to walk threw the wooded path that lead to the Malfoy manner. The sticks under our feet crunched along with fresh snow that shimmered under the moonlight. "Far warning... do not talk to the dark lord unless he talks to you" stated my dad in the coldest voice he could give. "Why would i want to talk to the man that killed my mother" i stated back as i felt the snow in my dress shoes. My dad stayed silent. "He has his eyes on you" he stated after the long pause he gave. "He also wants to kill harry" I reminded him. "There is that also" he responded with a sigh. We both reached the open doors of the Malfoy manner to be greeted with death eaters watching the door. "Name" said on of the deatheaters. You couldn't see their face. They where blacked out, pitch dark as the night sky. "The Snapes" stated my dad coldly. I quickly looked down to the ground trying not to make contact. "You both may enter"

Dad and I slowly made our way to the manner which made me feel unsettled more then it normally did. "I dont like this one bit" I stated rubbing my arm. "I dont either but we are here" he stated coldly. I stayed silent... wishing i was back at Grimwald place talking to Remus about Umbridge. Reaching the front door aunt Narcissa smiled looking up and down at my dress that she had bought. "You look so lovely my dear. Fits you so well" she said with joy putting her hand on my exposed shoulder. "It is a very lovely dress aunt Narcissa" I responded.. I really didn't know what to tell her, i wasnt the one to wear something like this except when needed. "Im glad you like it dear she responded with a soft smile. "Now everyone is just in the dinninng area" she added with a nod before my dad lead the way.

Walking into the manner, it was decorated very nicely... seemed like the house elfs took there time doing everything and made sure every inch was to the Malfoys liking. At almost every corner there were people in dark cloaks and mask who where probably being the guards to watch the area. "Stay close Eileen... this place is dangerous and so are these people " he whispered. I moved closer to him after he said that. I have never been fearful for my life this bad, all these people were trying to help Voldemort kill Harry. "What exactly are we doing" i whispered looking over at my dad as we swiftly walked past many death eaters. "Dinner with Tom Riddle himself, to hear what he has in store for Harry" he stated... he still cared about his own son even though Harry despises him for leaving us for 11 years with our aunt and uncle.
We walked into the dining area where everyone sat including Tom himself. When his red eyes caught a glance of us, he stood up. "Severus and the Half Blood" he stated with a crooked smile. "Dark lord" replied my dad with a settled nod. "Tom" i coldly stated. Tom... the only name i will call him, every time he chooses to enter my mind. He appeared as his teen self that i saw back in my second year in the chamber. "Please take a seat so we can begin" he responded, waving his hand to two empty seats.
••••••• No Ones POV•••••
Silence hovered over the dinning room that was filled with Voldemort closet death eaters and with a very out of place Eileen with her fiery red hair was the only thing that was bright in the room. "The boy is growing stronger every moment that we speak..even with Dumbledore protecting him" stated Voldemort. "We have many ways to getting to potter... one of them is to threw his very own sister...who happens to be training under dear Severus" he lied knowing well that Eileen was his daughter. The room starting to go up into chatter. "She may be his twin but is also the bridge to take down Albus Dumbledore" he added on. Eileen's Heart had dropped... the Bridge to take down Dumbledore himself. "What do you mean by that" Eileen blurted out slamming her hands on the table which had made Snape Flinch. "Simple young child you will kill Albus Dumbledore when time permits" he stated with a smirk. His red eyes pierced  The snapes onyx eyes. "What happens if I dont kill Dumbledore" she asked slowly bringing her eyes down to look at the table. "You die along the side of your brother"

Severus heart had dropped, both of his and lilys children's lives are in danger.. he lost them once before but he cant lose them agin. "If Miss.Potter doesn't kill Albus Dumbledore, i will kill him myself" Severus stated, all that he could think of was his daughter being charged with Murder of the greatest wizard of his time and being sent to Azkaban. "I will take you up on that offer Severus, i see that you pull threw with that promise" responded Voldemort glaring at the two Snapes, while Eileen had gone pale and looked like she was going to be sick..

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