|15| Thestrals

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"What was that about" questioned Fergus as i closed the compartment door behind me as the train started to move. "Longbottom had a question for me" I responded as i made my way to sit next to Aria as Harley was fast asleep in her lap and gizmo was no longer in his cage and was flying about outside. "Ooo did Longbottom finally made a move" asked Aria laying Harley down next to her as she continued to sleep away. "He did" I responded, siting crisscross next to Aria as Fergus rolled his eyes. "Isn't he scared of you father" asked fergus crossing his arms as he looked over at me and Aria. "He is terrified of my father in fact, I thought that would stop poor Longbottom in his tracks" I responded looking straight at Fergus as he gave out a laugh. "Potter must of had something to do with it, after all he despises your father" he stated crossing his arms "After all he still goes by potter"

"He goes by potter because the world doesn't know that he is a snape.. I have the eyes of my father, im surprised no one put the together and started to questioned if I was really Harry's twin sister" I responded taking a bag on berrtybots every flavored beans out of my pocket. "Your just lucky.. harry doesn't want it out because he is the chosen one" aria responded in a snarky comment. "its true, Harry basically hates everything about our dad and still claims the dead man we believed to be our dad for almost 11 years as his dad" I softly said looking at the floor of the train compartment. "I have always hated my dad since I could remember" said Fergus crossing his arms. He did have a right to hate his dad, after all his dad had killed his mother... basically killed his grandfather.

"But i have a true reason to hate my own father and not a kiddy reason like your brother has" he stated, bring attention on how much my brother took the label of the chosen one to heart. "An Potter says he is the normal.. but you are the one that doesn't have a dark wizard trying to kill you every step that you take" Aria Stated, looking over at me with so much emotion in her grey eyes. "But I am the one with the dark wizard trying to recruit with every breath he takes" I stated, Pushing my jacket sleeve up that showed the branded V on my left arm where the dark mark would placed be for Voldemort's followers, The V was now resembling a scar that seemed like it has been there since I was 5 on my pail skin. "That there is a true problem, since he is back he will start recruiting Slytherins in the upper years to join his ranks especially the ones with parents already in or were in his ranks" Stated Fergus with hand gestures as he started explaining. "That means you, Aria, me and don't for get Aria's crush Draco" I stated looking at aria as she started to blush. "I do not have a Crush on Draco" she stated hiding her face with her hand to cover up part of her blushing face. "Speaking of draco" said Fergus pointing at the glass compartment door as it quickly opened.
"Snape, Already slacking on your prefect duty's" stated Draco as he crossed his arms. "What do you mean by that draco" I questioned as i looked in confusion  at Draco. "You are spoused to be joining me to scan the Slytherin compartments.. Would be a shame if your father found out that your slaking" stated crossing his arms. Aria pushed my back "you should go, we will still be here when you get back" she stated as i stood up. "Alright, alright ill be on my way" I responded as i made my short walk towards the compartment door which was only 3 easily small steps. "Enjoy spending time with draco" said Fergus with a chuckle in his voice.
"Father has invited you and Professor Snape over for Christmas Dinner this year" stated draco as we both walked down the hallway that lined the compartments on the train. "Thats nice Draco, Did Narcissa Convince your dear father to invite me along" i asked as i looked into the window of the compartments and then back to the clip bored and marked off the names of the Present Slytherin students with a quill. "How did you know my mum had invited you" Draco asked. "She always sends me little packages here and there.. seems like she is pampering me like i am the daughter she has never had" i stated as we came to the end of the Slytherin compartment where we stood at the door that lead to the Entrance to the Gryffindor  compartments. "My father does have a disliking for your brother because he cost us a house elf and I guess a bit of that hatred has slowly come over to you" he responded as the clipboard that i had in my hand disappeared to where i am guessing back to hogwarts. "My brother is something else" i said as we started to make my way to the compartment where Aria and Fergus sat. "He sure is" he responded with a grin before he disappeared into a compartment that sat his ground of friends.
Hours had passed, after a nap along with a few jokes. We have arrived back to Hogwarts or as my brother claims it as his home. As Fergus joined the 6 years, me and Aria joined the rest of the 5th years as they hoped onto carriages that was being pulled by something that i never seen in person, not including seeing it as my patronus. A threstral. They seemed lifeless, white eyes that seemed glossed over. There bones could be seen, seemed like they never ate but they did. There wings seemed to be a bit bigger then a hippogriff. "Eileen are you ok" asked Aria as she looked at me in concern. "Do you see this, it's beautiful" I stated as Harry was on the other side of the threstral. "Nothing there eileen.. are you loosing your mind" she stated as she looked at me like i was crazy. "Your not loosing your mind Eileen... i see them to" responded Harry as he sat his hand on the threstral back. "Would you three hurry up and get on the bloody carriage, so we can head to the school. Im hungry" Said ron as he looked at the three of us. "You can wait Weasley" i said as aria made her way on the carriage. "He does have a point" stated aria as i gave her a glare. "Let just get going.. we can find them later" stated harry as he made his way on to the carriage as well as i gave a good look at the Threstral its self as I thought o would never see my patronus in real life..

Eileen Potter -book 5-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें