|8| Longbottom

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Draco and I walked out of my dads office to see Aria and Fergus sitting on the couch. "Aria" I exclaimed, she quickly looked up. It Seemed like she was reading something and then passed it on to Fergus as he quickly put it into his coat pocket. "Hi Eileen, Happy Birthday. We decided to come over early," she exclaimed, as she put her feet on the coffee table. "I wouldn't do that.. Snape isn't very keen on having feet on the Coffee table," Stated Draco, But Aria truly didn't care about my dad's rule about feet on the coffee table. "Aria what where you reading" I questioned, slowly making my way towards her and Fergus. "I was reading nothing.. why do you say that" she responded, putting her arms behind her head. making herself feel like she was back home. "You clearly where.. I even seen you handed the parchment to Fergus" I stated, pointing at Fergus. He was clearly holding himself from laughing. "I Wouldn't know about your letters to poor Longbottom" Aria Stated, covering her mouth as Fergus finally let out a burst of laughter. "I-I do no such thing" I stuttered, slowly moving back and accidently running into Draco. "Doesn't seem like it Eileen" Responded Draco, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Eileen and Longbottom, that is pretty shocking" Chuckled Fergus, taking out the folded piece of parchment. "Her eye's are like the onyx that lays in a Onyx wand" chukled Aria, tracing a heart in the air. I froze, Should I admit to my friends that I fallen for the clumsy Gryffindor that people make fun of? "Can I just have the bloody piece of parchment back" I pleaded, removing Draco's hand from my shoulder. What exactly did Aria and Fergus read in that letter Neville had owled. "Alright, give the onyx her beloved letter" said aria, giving a small chuckle as Fergus dug threw his pocket for the letter. Fergus handed me the letter with a grin. "Have you two learned no to read others owls post" I exclaimed, taking the Parchment from Fergus hands. "Nope we have not learned" responded Fergus as he leaned against the wall with a grin on his face. "What would I do without you two" I said sarcastically, unfolding the parchment that holds the letter from Neville. "You would die" Aria replied, crossing her arms. "You would also be lost" Fergus stated, holding up one finger in front of him. I rolled my eyes as I looked over Neville's letter with a smile.

Dear Eileen,

Happy birthday. Its not every day a lovely girl like you turns 15. I was wondering before classes start, I would like to meet up on the train to give you your birthday present. Lets say the present goes with your onyx eyes that match a onyx wand in the sunlight. Which the present may need sunlight itself to live. Until the next post, Happy Birthday Eileen.


Neville Longbottom

"Eileen admit it, you like Longbottom" asked aria, standing up from the sofa giving me a smile. "After all you did take him to the ball last year" Stated Draco, Crossing his arms as Fergus gave a nodded. "Malfoy has a point" Fergus added. "Fine I have a crush on Longbottom, now leave me alone about it our else no body will find you body" I threated with a evil look on my face. "I don't know if we should be scared" stated Fergus, looking at aria in concern look in his face. "She cant hurt a fly" Stated Aria. "You guys don't know that.. see could be hiding a secret" Replied Draco as he looked at all of us.

Eileen Potter -book 5-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant