|14| Neville's Question

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My wand intrigued me more then ever, sad that i lost the wand i had for 4 years... even had it during the scariest moment had in my life that I could remember, Besides being held by Lord Voldemort just last school year. "So Eileen what are you looking forward to this semester" asked Aira holding a fox in her hands as Her kitten slept soundly in its carrier. The three of us thought it was odd that regulus wanted to come along with the five of us to the Platform.. He would be brought back to the head quarters by Sirius... even though Sirius told him how risky it would be for him to come along. "I look forward to Defense Against the Dark Art this year" I stated. Coming to a stop at a room that Aria, Fergus and I could speak to Regulas. The three of us walked into the room as Remus and Sirius stood outside of the room just to make sure no one would walk in to see the most wanted wizard standing in the room with us. The door shut, Regulas jumped out of his daughters arm and turned back in to human. "Bloody hell could you of not held me any tighter" asked Regulus as he stretched his arms. "What would you Rather me do? Put you on a leash like a dog" asked Aria crossing her arms. "A snap just like a Slytherin" Said Regulus with a laugh as he dug threw his pocket. "I have something for the three of you to see" pulling out a folded photo. "What is that" Questioned Fergus as Regulus unfolded the photo. "A photo of your guys parents Excluding Lily Evans because of well" Regulus started to say as he stumbled on his words. "Her being a mud-blood" I stated. "Yes that" he stated holding out the photo for the three of us to see. "This photo was taken before the death of Lily Snape and James potter.. Before I was put into well Azkaban" he added

I looked down at the photo to see my father with his long hair put up, still slightly greasy. "Is that your dad" asked Aria looking down at the photo that Fergus now held in his hands. "I guess so, i have only seen very few photos of my dad since I realized he was well still alive" I stated right before Regulas said something. "Sarea and Blair... didn't like the fact what we both where in the ranks.. took a bit for lily to find out about Snape being with the dark Lord" stated regulus looking at the three of us. "You Three, promise me something" he added. "What is that" asked Fergus. "I want the three of you to stay away from doing what the three of us did. Do not join the ranks, Since Fergus is in his sixth year he is most likely going to be ask to join by one of the 7th years" Stated Regulus putting his hands in his pocket. "Why do I want to be in the same rabbit hole my Cursed father was in.. After all he took everything from me" stated Fergus looking straight into regulus eyes with fire in his eyes while I still was looking down at the photo of all of our parents. It slowly moved as my dad had a locket hanging out of his pocket. "You guys keep that" he said as I folded it back up "I gift from me to you three"


We all got aboard the train as Sirius, Remus and Regulus disappeared from the platform. "What do you guys expect from this year" Asked Fergus as we walked threw the Gryffindor part of the train. "Hopefully a Descent Dark arts Professor" I responded as Gizmo hooted as we walked away from the empty compartments. "Isn't your father after the dark arts spot" asked Aria petting her kitten who was sound asleep in her arms. "He has been after it for years apparently, but always fails at receiving the job" I stated as I saw Neville walk out of his compartment as he heard my voice. "Hey Eileen" He stated as he looked over at me with a smile. "Hello Neville" I responded giving a smile back. "ill catch up with you guys in a bit.. Fergus can you take gizmo" I asked holding gizmo in his cage up for Fergus to grab his cage. "Alright, see you in a bit" Responded Fergus as he took gizmo cage and made his way towards the Slytherin seating. "Good luck" Responded aria with a smile before she caught up with Fergus.

"So Eileen, how was your summer" Asked Neville as he nervously put his hand in his robe pockets which he normally forgot. "Was eventful, Spent most of the time with my mums side" I replied

"They are muggles correct" Asked Neville

"They Are, nasty muggles they are" I responded with a head shake. "It was that bad" He replied with a look on his face. "Was horrible"

"I have a question for you Eileen" he asked right before a pause of silent was upon the both of us. "What is it"

"Would you go out with me" He said nervously as he looked into my black eyes that probably reminded him of my dads cold eyes the he feared so much. "I will" I replied with a smile on my face. "I honestly thought you would have asked after yule ball last year" I added as I saw Neville froze where he stood. "You really would go out with me" He asked with a surprised look on his face. He probably was expecting a snap like my father would have gave him. "Yes Neville" I responded with a smile on my face as Neville face turned a shade of red in excitement. "Ttthats grate, I should go tell harry" He responded before he took off to tell my twin brother what had just happened. "That's something" I said to myself as I made my way to Aria and Fergus.

Eileen Potter -book 5-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant