|2| The Crucifying

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I started to dragged Dudley's Unconscious body from under the bridge with my wand tucked behind my ear. Dudley was heavy, this was becoming a sport just to move him around by his arms. "I could have used magic for this" i said as I dropped his hands. "I already used underage magic"
I took out my wand and point at my cousin unconscious body, i had nothing else to lose. "Wingar-" i started to say right before i was cut off by a woman voice from in front of me. "That would not be wise" said a woman. I quickly looked up and put my wand behind my back.. great, a muggle seen me about to use magic.. there goes another mark on my name for ministry to use against me. "I dont know what you mean" i played dumb as the lady shook her head. "Dear Eileen, dont hide your wand they may come back" said the lady as she drew a wagon filled with cat food. I gave her a look of confusion, How did this lady know my name and how did she know i hand a wand?
I started to think of my childhood when i grew up here with Dudley.. it was poor old miss.figg who lived across the street from the Dursley's..she has so many cats that when one dies she kept a photo of the cat photo book with every other single cat that she had owned in the pass. "Mrs.Figg, i kinda need help" i said as i nodded towards my feet where my cousin was knocked out at. "I see that" she responded with a bit of Concern in her voice as she looked down at my cousin. "Throw poor Dudley on wagon, may be a bit uncomfortable for him. It will save you a lot of trouble from muggles seeing you drag a poor boy by his feet threw the streets"
I dragged the wagon behind me, with my wand in hand just in case the dementors do return for a second round of stealing happiness. With four minutes of silence, Mrs.Figg finally had said something as we closed in on my aunt and uncles home. "Did you hear about the poor Diggory boy, sad to hear that he was killed" said Mrs. Figg as it seemed like she didn't realize that i was also in the Tri-Wizard tournament. After all, Harry Did get all of the Recognition for the Whole tournament with the Daily Proft. "He was taken to soon" I responded, I really tried to forget about that night that Cedric had been murdered.. "smart boy Cedric was"
We both came to a stop in front of my aunt and uncles house, I figured that i had enough strength to move Dudley from the wagon to the front room where my uncle sat watching the telly. "Here we are" said Mrs.Figg as i lifted my cousin out of the wagon. Dudley started to wake as i got him onto his feet. "Dudley, work with me here. We are close to your house" i asked as i made my way up the path way and Mrs.Figg made her way across the street to her home as Dudley responded with a moan.
I opened the door to The Dursley's house, as Dudley's arm was around me shoulder. I could hear the news coming from the tv where uncle Vernon was watching it with the fan going, it was another warm night in Little Whinging with unexpected rain fall. "Dudley kins, is that you" asked aunt Petunia as she was washing dishes. "Aunt Petunia, I need you help" i yelled as i knew uncle Vernon wouldn't come to see what was wrong because it was me. The dishes made a sound as the hit the sink and the water stopped. Aunt Petunia now stood in the door way and gave out a loud scream when she seen Dudley half knocked out with his arm wrapped around my neck. "I would like some here" i said as I struggled to keep my cousin up along with me standing with all of his weight on me. Uncle Vernon came stumbling into the front entrance. "What in the hell did you do to my boy" boom uncle Vernon as he took Dudley from me, for him being a big man himself. I was surprised he could handle holding his son. "I didn't do anything" I responded as my uncle walked over to the couch, where  he sat my cousin down. "You sure in bloody did do something to Dudley. Just look at him!" He boomed "i told you Petunia, it was a bad idea to let her stay her for the summer. We finally got rid of her and she comes back for 3 weeks and Everything goes to bloody hell"
"Im sorry, ok.. ill just go back home" I responded but that wasn't the right response that my uncle was looking for.. my aunt stayed silent as she took care of Dudley. My uncle grabbed me by the back of the shirt and dragged me to the one spot where i was hopping i would never go back to in my whole life.. the cupboard under the stairs. "You'll go home once we get back home, until then you'll go under the stairs" said my uncle as he pointed at the cupboard where I slept for 10 years of my life until that fateful day me and Harry Escaped this horrible place. "As i said i could leave now and I wouldn't be a problem anymore" I responded as he unlocked the door to the cupboard with one hand as he still had ahold of the back of my tee shirt. "We will have your useless father come get you" he responded as he threw me into the cupboard, i stop my self from going head first into the wall. I turned around to look at my uncle with a blank look in my eyes. "My father isn't useless you Filthy muggle" I spat as he slammed the cupboard door, I realized what i had said and covered my mouth.. that wasn't like me at all. "We will be back" booked my uncle as i heard the front door close shut with a slam.. my uncle could definitely move faster then i could remember.
I sat down where mine and Harry bed still laid, unmade and dirty. I looked up at the stairs where me and Harry got bored during the countless times we where forced to be in here. We played tic-tac-toe, 13 time is the total time we played that game that was marked above with a blue crayon. "Remus, i hope you come and save me" i mumbled to myself as i laid down, not wanting to use magic agin.. after all it was most likely i was in trouble with the Ministry for casting Expecto Patronum in front of Dudley and for using under age magic.. i may as well not add onto that list by using Alohomora to unlock the cupboard door.

Eileen Potter -book 5-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang