|13| Aria's Pet

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A week had past since My trail, another term of school was upon us in the upcoming days. Aria, Fergus and I tagged along with Mrs.Weasley to a bit of shopping of our own. The three of us walked down a pathway in diagon alley that wizards and witches hardly took to try to find Aria a animal that should call her own. "I honestly would love a Kneazle" stated aria looking at all the shops that we passed. "You honestly want bloody everything" stated Fergus flipping threw his bit of notes that he had taken on what items he would like to buy before the start of the year. "I am really indecisive" stated Aira. "We all know that by know" I sarcastically, came to a stop at the edge of  ollivanders wand shop. "I'll catch up with you guys.. i have to go get a new wand" i added as the two of them looked at me in confusion. "Why? What happened to your wand?" Question Aria. "It was taken from me before the trail started" I responded. I haven't told anyone about my wand getting taken away, you could say I kept it as a really good secret. "Thats a shocker, well alright Eileen. meet up with up in front of the books store" said Fergus, putting his note book into his pocket. "See you then" I responded. The both of them gave me a nod before they made their way to Magical Menagerie pet shop. I gave a sigh as i made my way into Ollivanders which I haven't stepped foot into since my first year.
As I walked into the wand shop, the bell above the door rang as it slowly shut. I walked behind the counter as the cold air brushed past my face. "Mr.ollivander" i said looking for the old wizard who has been here forever. Before i knew it, the old mans head popped from the behind one of the many shelfs that held wands.
"Miss.Potter, surprising seeing you here" said Ollivander, making his way to the counter. "Now what brings you here"
"A wand.. i need a new wand sir" i stated. "Ahh.. let me guess, Your wand was taken by the Ministry and it was Returned to Severus Snape" said the old wizard as he went to the back to the shelfs and scanned threw the many wands. "How did you know" I questioned the wizard as he brought over a wand box. "I know things Miss.Potter" said ollivander, removing the lid off of the wand box. "Did your old wand seemed a bit off when ever you used it" asked the old man as he took the wand out of the box and sad the box on the counter. "A bit" i answered.  "During the Triwizard tournament mostly"
"This wand here" said ollivander holding the wand up that was dirty white with what looked like Irish runes on the hilt of the wand. "That wand Has been in my shop since i was a child.. it was never sold" said the old wizard holding the wand out for me to try. I grabbed on to the hilt of the wand, it felt way different then the one i got just 5 years ago. "Augurey feather, Aspen and 11 inches"
"May i" i asked, still holding the wand in my hand. "You may" he responded. I looked over to the trash bin which was filled with crumpled up parchment paper. I pointed the wand towards the bin. "Incendio" i said calmly as a jet of flame onto the bin as the parchment slowly burn. Before i knew it ollivander was quickly to put out the fire. "Seems like the wand chose you Miss.Potter" said the old wizard with a smile. "This wand is interesting Ollivander" I responded looking at the wand as it intrigued me. I dug thew my pants pockets to pull out 7 gallons and sat the gallons onto the counter. "The wands story is unknown, so it will be interesting to see what it becomes in your hands Miss.potter" said the old man picking up the 7 gallons.
I made my way to the pet shop to see Aira and Fergus walking out of the Magical Menagerie pet shop. Aria was holding a little fur ball which seemed like it was sleeping in her arms. "I can not believe you actually bought a Kneazle kitten" said Fergus looked at Aria as she petted the kneazle. "I said did say i was going to get one and i did" said aria as she looked up "Eileen" she added as Fergus looked in my direction. "How did the new wand search go" he asked as i drew the new wand i just got. "Pretty good, i think" i said rotating the wand. "Thats good" he replied. "Eileen meet Harley" said aria as i got closer to see that the Kneazle kitten was black with small white dots on it. "What do you think Sirius will think... After all he is a dog" i said looking at Aria as she gave a chuckle. "My uncle can sleep in the basement if he doesn't like poor harley" she said softly petting her new cat in her hand. We all gave out a laugh and made our way back with Mrs.Weasley.

Eileen Potter -book 5-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang