|5| The Ministries Howler

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As dinner concluded, my dad was in a rush to get out of Grimwald place,even though he was stuck in a conversation with Moody and Dumbledore. I sat and talked to Remus, Aria, Fergus and Sirius. Fergus has been staying here with Remus and Sirius until he is ready to go back to The Crouch home that his grandfather had owned before he had been killed. "So your saying Voldemort showed up in your dream before Remus had woken you up" asked Sirius as he looked at me in a bit of confusion. "Yes he did.. Which I think is weird" I stated. "It May be caused by that branding of yours" said Fergus in his Scottish accent as he pointed at the V on my arm. "Don't be stupid Fergus, that cant cause the dreams." Said aria as she slapped Fergus arm. "Could it do that?" aria started to question as her head shot to her uncles. "Its dark magic Aria, anything could happen" said Remus as he looked stright up at my dad. "Regulus or your dad should know something about dark magic.. after all they both dabbled in it" he added quietly so my dad didn't hear him. "Remus has a point.. i think its best if you talk to your dad about this.. He may know something" responded Sirius as he looked at me with a look of concern in his eyes. "I don't want to tell him. He is already going threw lot" I responded as i looked back at my dad. "He lost so much.. he cant lose harry or you agin.. Especially since he has got you back after missing 10 years of your life" Responded Remus as i looked back at him. "Tell him its the right thing to do"
"Eileen.. we should be on our way now" said my dad as he slowly glided over to where i sat. "Ill tell him when the time is right" I quickly said before i stood up as Remus and Sirius Gave me a nod. "We will owl you" responded Aria as she stood up and gave me a tight hug. "Promise me you wont get into trouble" she added as she looked at me. "Can't promise that" i said with a chuckle as she hit my shoulder. "Be easy on her Aira, she fragile" Fergus said with a chuckle as he lend back in his chair. "Lets go" said my dad as he crossed his arms. "See you guys later" I responded as i began to walk towards my dad.. i heard Harry. "Eileen.. owl me, its urgent" he said as Ron moved to his side as i gave him a soft nod. Me and Harry have drifted apart as the years went on.. ever Since I was put into Slytherin and he was put into Gryffindor. He never goes home to Spinners end, he basically moved in with the Weasleys after our dad took us back in. So you could say Harry never left the Weasleys. "Expect Gizmo in 2 hours Harry" I responded as he gave a nod back and went back talking to Ron and Hermione. "Are you ready" asked my dad as we made our way out the back door. "Sure" i said softly as I didn't want to leave Grimwald place for some reason. I slowly walked behind my dad as i started to think and came to a stop. "Dad, how do you feel about me using magic underage" i asked as he turned around to look at me. "You did what you had to do to protect yourself thats all i have to say" he replied. "If you didn't do what you did.. Petunia would planning a funeral for Dudley"
My dad did have a point, i did save Dudley..

"Now lets getting going before I get stuck in a conversation with Alister or Albus" said my dad as we mad our way to a clearing behind the Grimwald place. "What where you guys talking about anyway" I questioned. "Nothing important

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