|21|Harrys Meeting

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Commotion had spread over the whole school about Harry thinking about Teaching defense against the dark arts, I learned it from Neville during a dinner that he had requested from the house elfs to make. I had also heard from him that Harry's detentions where finally over which must had taught harry a lesson. Aria and I had managed to vanish our mice in transfiguration but I had progressed to vanishing kittens, before the subject was broached, again on a wild,blustery evening at the end of September. The three of us Sat in the library studying for one of my dad's assignments, so we all could finally go on a weekend trip to Hogsmeade.

"What do you think about your dad giving us an assignment on anti-venom" asked aria softly as I flipped threw the potion text book that I scribbled on with notes. "Who knows with him but I have been studying Legilimens and Occlumency as well because of him" I whispered to aria. Aria wasn't really paying attention, she was messing with Fergus who had fell asleep reading the potion text book on advanced Potions. It seems like he has been pushing himself to study really hard in his classes since he has this year and next year left at his years at Hogwarts along with practicing hard in quidditch. "The thing that I am Intrigued in, is that you allowed your father to see into your memorys" stated Aria looking back at me as Fergus now had licorice wands behind his ears. "I have nothing to hide" i responded.

"Your memory can surpass or contract the trauma that you experience in your child and make you forget.. if it did that you dad will have a frenzy with your muggle side" she explained as she tapped her fingers on the table as she talked. "Like I said I have nothing to hide and if i did it wont do any damage.. my Aunt Petunia was kind but my uncle Vernon is a different" I stated closing my potions textbook. "Let him get a hold of those memory's.. i have nothing to do with my muggle past"

"They are your family Eileen, you cant Seperate from them now especially since the dark lord has returned"

"I can Aria, its the best option that i have since he has returned. The is a chance that he knows harry dosen't even live there anymore but he lives with the Weasleys"

"Dont you care about there safety"

"I do, dont get me wrong aria but the are strong enough with harry there after all i heard he is amazing at the dark arts" i stated with sarcasm in my voice. "Can we move on from this before i have snooze fest about my dear twin brother"


Quidditch practice had been moved to two times a week so we can keep our winning streak alive which has been tiring Fergus and I out a even with my prefect tasks that I had to do. However, Aria has been getting even more closer to Draco since they have gotten together. Going on small walks on the school grounds next to the black lake along with small picnics under the trees laughing with Draco. The morning of the hogsmeade visit had dawned upon us bright but windy. As every one else sat eating breakfast, I had sneaked away from Aria and Fergus To meet up with Neville who sat patiently on the steps near the Gryffindor common room. "Look who finally doesn't have a plant with him" I said with a chuckle, ever since first year i seen him with a plant in his arms. "I don't always have a plant with me all the time Eileen" He responded with a chuckle standing up from the steps. "I know you don't but are you going to go to see Harry at hogshead today" I questioned Neville.

"I am going the meeting, the true question is are you going to go yourself" asked Neville stated standing up from the step that he has been sitting down on for who knows how long. "I should go for support, after all he is my brother" I replied watching him fix his Gryffindor scarf. "If you do go, you can sit next to me" said Neville winking his left eye with. "We will see Neville" I said with a chuckle.

As we all arrived at hogsmeade, every one went onto their own ways to do their own things. Aria, Fergus and I made our way towards the fence that looked towards the shriking shack. "What do you think about your Potter making his own version of the Dark arts classes" asked Fergus as he kicked a stone as we all got closer to the shack. "I honestly don't know what got into his brain since the dark lord has returned" I replied looking in front of me. "That is true Eileen, The chosen one has gone power hungry" said Aria with a chuckle while munching on licorice wands. "Since your brother is doing something Eileen. You should make something to compete with him" said Fergus coming to the fence that blocked off everyone from going on to land that the shrieking shack sat on. Looking over twords the shack I started to think about what Fergus had said. "I'll do it but it will only be us three" I replied as I watched the womping Willow injure a bird with one fatal swipe of one of it's branches.
"Why just use Eileen? Their is a bunch of Slytherins that would love to learn from you" stated Aria looking at me with a concerned look on her face. "There is a storm coming Aria.. This storm is just for us, I can feel it" I replied to her as the wind started to blow. "That's just scary" said Fergus looking wide eyed at me and Aria. "I know Fergus.. but I believe Eileen" Stated Aria. "If you guys don't mind I'll meet up with you guys at the three broom sticks.. I'm going to go Support Harry" I said sarcasticly even though the true reason why I'm going is because Neville had asked me to. "Alright Eileen, see you then" said Fergus.

Eileen Potter -book 5-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz