|25|Skipping rocks

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As weeks past since Harry and George had been banned from playing quidditch along with Crabbe and Goyle, October had slowly faded into November. The temperature slowly dropped and didn't surprised us one bit. There i stood skipping pebbles across the black lake as Neville took care of his Mimbulus mimbletoni just a few steps away from me. "I am going to go see my mum and dad in the upcoming week... and i was wondering if you would like to come along" he asked looking at me with a smile. "Of course i would love to join you" I responded, turning around to see the his plant was on the ground and he was walking towards me. "You will get to meet nan as well, she has been dying to meet you" he chuckled. "Well i hope not, dying isn't fun" I replied picking up another rock that laid around. "Where are your parents anyway Neville" i added, skipping the rock in my hand across the water. "They are in St Mungo's.. they have been there since i was one, nan has had me for as long as i can remember" he replied giving a small sigh. "Im so sorry to hear that Neville" i said softly. I knew exactly why his parents where there... Barty crouch Jr. and the Lestrange's pushed them into insanity.. "hopefully one day i can figure out how to bring them back to reality" he sighed "but for now i have a future to live out" he added putting his arm around me.
"That future may have to wait for a few.. after all. What our parents had fought has returned" I exclaimed.
"But Harry can take care of he who must not be named like he did before" Neville stated taking his arm from around me to pick up a stone. "But this time he will be twice as strong, he has you and magic this time" he added as he skipped a rock across the lake. Neville does have a point but Harry and I haven't seen eye to eye since we arrived here at hogwarts 5 years ago. "I think it will take more then Harry and I to take him down"
"Why do you say that"
"He is a lot stronger then he was before and we are not ready for what he has in store"


Sorry it has taken sooo long to get a chapter out and I would also like to promise the next chapter will be a lot bigger then this one

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