: Epilogue - Part 5 :

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~ A couple years later ~

"Ahh what's his name? You know that guy on that show!" Wooyoung said snapping his fingers trying to think

"Youngie you do realise I have no idea who you are talking about" Yeosang said as he sipped his coffee, looking at Wooyoung who was sitting on the floor of their lounge room.

"You know him!" Wooyoung said sitting up on his knees "You said he had cool hair that one time"

Yeosang shook his head "No I don't know him, also why do we have to name our kid off of some guy on the tv?"

"So he seems cool!" Wooyoung answered enthusiastically

"He's our kid you know he'll be the coolest kid no matter what" Yeosang assured Wooyoung with a wink.

Wooyoung and Yeosang were only a fortnight away from the due date of the arrival of their son.

The adoption agency had told them only a week ago that they had been matched with a mother that didn't want her child. They had signed the papers and were currently scrambling to come up with a name and finalise all the preparations for their baby's arrival.

The agency had informed them that they had done a prenatal test and the baby was a little boy. The young boy was expected to come into the world any moment now since the women who was giving up her child was in her last trimester.

Yeosang and Wooyoung hadn't met her, but the women in charge of their adoption had informed them that the mother did not want the child and was happy to give it to someone who could give it the love and affection that she couldn't.

They had been told that there could be a chance she changes her mind when the baby actually arrives and Wooyoung and Yeosang were ready to face that fact if that were to happen. Nevertheless though they were happy and excited.

They'd wanted a child for a long while now, and although they did have some things in order there was still a lot to do, like putting together the crib. . . and picking a name.

Wooyoung flattened the crib instructions on the floor and sighed "I can't for the life of me remember "

"What about Graham?" Yeosang said looking at the biscuit he was dipping in his coffee.

Wooyoung choked and slapped his chest "I'm not naming our kid after a biscuit!" Wooyoung said waving a screw driver at Yeosang.

"And I'm not naming our kid after some guy who isn't even famous enough for you to remember his name" Yeosang retorted

They sat in silence contemplating

Wooyoung suddenly sprang up on all fours "I've got it!!"

Yeosang looked up nonchalantly, Wooyoung had been jumping up and sputtering ridiculous names all day, so the sudden burst didn't faze him.



"Yeah Yunho . . do you like it?"

Yeosang put his coffee down, thinking real hard "Yunho, Jung Yunho. I like that one" he said in a sweet voice

"Really? . . should we pick Yunho then?" Wooyoung came and knelt in front of Yeosang, resting head on his hands on Yeosang's knees

Yeosang traced his hand across Wooyoung's forehead brushing his hair to the side

"It's perfect, He'll be our Yunho"

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