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The boy was the last person Wooyoung wanted to see. But he was confused as to why he was apologising. He looked at him frowning "What are you apologising for?"

"For your girlfriend breaking up with you. I'm sorry" the boy said

"There's no need for you to apologise" Yes he may have been the cause but he hadn't said the words that had hurt him so much. This boy was just some innocent guy who'd been in the wrong place at the wrong time, or rather kissed the wrong guy at the wrong time

"But it's my fault, if I hadn't have kissed you, you and your girlfriend would still be together"

"It's fine really" Wooyoung emphasized. His heart hurt, but he wasn't going to blame this random guy for his problems.

The two looked at each other not sure what to say.

"You heading home?" The boy suddenly asked

Wooyoung nodded

"Where do you live? Are you far? I can drop you home?"

The question threw Wooyoung off centre. He barely knew this guy and now he was offering him a lift.

Wooyoung didn't really care anymore about his own safety, he just wanted to go home. "I live over on Rye" he answered

The boy nodded, "Get in and lead the way" the boy said as he pushed open the passenger door from the driver's seat.

Wooyoung slid in and closed the door. With a rumble the car started and Wooyoung directed the stranger to his home.

The car ride was silent except for the radio which was playing Bon Jovi. The boy had one hand on the wheel tapping along to the beat, the other was resting out the driver's window. The boy seemed pretty cool and chill. He was wearing denim jeans and an aqua green shirt and had a confident aura to him.

"I'm Yeosang" the boy said suddenly breaking the silence between them, making conversation

"Wooyoung" Woo said briefly looking at Yeosang before staring back out the window at the dark sky that matched his soul.

"Nice to meet you" Yeosang said eyes trained on the road ahead of him

Wooyoung laughed at how rudimentary the statement was. "Nice to meet you too I guess. . ."

Yeosang gave Wooyoung a sidelong glance before looking back out at the road. Yeosang knew he was in no place to judge Wooyoung's attitude.

Wooyoung didn't speak much, he simply just gave Yeosang directions and eventually they made it to his street.

"This is me" Wooyoung said pointing at his house.

Against Wooyoung's better judgment he had put his life in the strangers hands, and he, although nervous, felt content when the car finally pulled up to the kerb in front of his house.

"Cool. . .Well sorry we had to meet like this, you seem like a really decent guy, I hope you and your uh girl can sort stuff out" Yeosang said

Wooyoung was thankful, Yeosang seemed like a decent guy too. "Sorry" Wooyoung said suddenly

"Why are you saying sorry?" Yeosang said turning in his seat to look at Wooyoung

"I don't know, I just feel like I owe you an apology" Wooyoung replied

Yeosang shook his head, chuckling to himself on how their conversation had come full circle.

"Why are you laughing?" Wooyoung suddenly whined.

Yeosang continued to laugh. "You're really cute, did you know that?"

Wooyoung's eyes widened "I'm not cute." He suddenly said with a pout

"You are" Yeosang was flirting now, although Wooyoung seemed to be oblivious to his bold charms.

That was until Yeosang suddenly put his hand on Wooyoung's thigh "verry cute" Yeosang said his voice dropping down an octave

For some stupid insane reason that Wooyoung couldn't place he didn't push Yeosang's hand away instead he just stared at it and at Yeosang, remembering the fiery kiss they'd shared earlier that night.

Yeosang was close. Wooyoung could see the male clearly now unlike when he had been blindfolded. He was small and had a petite face, with mousy brown hair and gaze that pierced Woo's soul. He couldn't help but remember his lip on his, the way Yeosang's body had moved up against his own.

Yeosang leaned in and Wooyoung surprised himself by not moving away.

Yeosang kissed Wooyoung. Surprised the boy was letting him in the first place.

Wooyoung was pissed off at his girlfriend. Ex girlfriend. Maybe that's why he let Yeosang kiss him. His mind justifying his actions as an act of revenge.

Somehow Yeosang made it out of his seat and onto Wooyoung's lap, the seat reclining back in a comical fashion.

Yeosang was now straddling him. Wooyoung's eyes were tightly closed shut as he allowed that passion that he'd felt earlier to return.

Wooyoung's hands found their way into Yeosang's soft and silky hair teasing it with gentle tugs pulling Yeosang face closer to his own.

Yeosang pushed his tongue inside and Wooyoung happily accepted it.

Yeosang unbuttoned Wooyoung's shirt, his cool hands making Wooyoung gasp as he placed them on his smooth chest and teasing at Woo's hardened bud with his thumb.

Yeosang began to move his body, rolling his hips to create friction. It was easier now since he wasn't in the air and pinned up against a wall, but still difficult in the passenger seat of his car.

Yeosang placed a hand on the roof of the car, the other clutched onto Wooyoung's shoulder. He pushed his body down onto Wooyoung harder, and Wooyoung groaned in delight at the pressure.

Yeosang brought his lips to Wooyoung's neck and he bit down payback for the rough love bites he had received earlier, Wooyoung shrieked at the pleasure and pain of it all. Yeosang kissed back to Wooyoung's lips, the boys matching each other's pace as they shared yet another heated kiss.

Yeosang had stopped grinding down on Wooyoung, but Wooyoung wanted to feel more he grabbed hold of Yeosang's hips and pushed him down onto his body, using his strength to move him.

Yeosang took the hint and started up again, but then he had a better idea. He stopped kissing Wooyoung and Yeosang looked him dead in the eye as he traced one finger down Wooyoung's chest, over his abs, down to his killing point.

Yeosang palmed Wooyoung through his pants and Wooyoung's eyes glazed over as he stared into Yeosang's.

Yeosang had a cheeky smirk on his face as he dominated Wooyoung. The light weight material allowing for Yeosang to get a hold despite the fabric being in the way.

Wooyoung was lost in the pleasure as Yeosang squeezed and stroked him, he didn't even flinch when Yeosang trailed up a little higher releasing him and then slipping his hand down beneath the material of both his pants and his boxer shorts. Wooyoung sharply inhaled at Yeosang's cold hand.

Yeosang could feel that Wooyoung was already wet as he brushed his thumb over his tip, he gently slipped his hand around Wooyoung's length, tightening his grip. Yeosang then tugged at Woo's member making him yelp.

That tug though jolted Wooyoung back to reality. He suddenly jumped forwards his hands grabbing Yeosang's wrist and pulling it out of his pants and stopping him from what he was doing.

"Shit. . What am I doing?!" . .what was Yeosang doing to him?

Yeosang let go and sat back a little in Wooyoung's lap as Wooyoung's face changed to an expression he couldn't read.

Wooyoung suddenly pushed Yeosang off him and over to the driver's seat and he sprung from the car, doing up his pants, and hastily doing up his buttons.

Yeosang watched on in confusion. They had just been in such a heated moment, but now it was gone just like that. Wooyoung disappearing into his house.

Yeosang readjusted himself placing both hands and his forehead on the steering wheel trying to catch his breath.


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