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Wooyoung silently screamed. He already saw enough of Yeosang at work, why did Mingi think it was a good idea to bring him along now? He could have dropped him home and gone to Mina's on his own. And with everything that had happened with Yeosang how was he meant to face him?

Wooyoung almost didn't get out of the car, but Mingi and Mina, whom had just come out of the front door, eyed him curiously as he stared at them though the passenger window.

Mina waved her hands motioning him in, and Mingi shot him a look to say "What are you doing?"

Wooyoung reluctantly got out of the car and walked over to Mina and Mingi, apprehension in his steps.

"Hi" Wooyoung said with a little nervous wave. He hoped they couldn't tell he was uncomfortable.

"Hey!" Mina beamed "I thought you were going to stay in there for a second! Yeosang will be happy to see you, he seems to really enjoy working with you"

Wooyoung smiled uneasily "Cool . . "

Both Mina and Mingi nodded before Mina took Mingi's hand and pulled him inside. Wooyoung wondered if they were dating yet. He'd probably be the first to know if they were.

"Sangie is upstairs!" Mina said cheerfully as she pointed up the stairs, she then lead Mingi down a hallway and as per usual Wooyoung was standing alone and confused.

Everything had happened in a haze, they were at church, in Mingi's car and now here in Mina and Yeosang's house. Wooyoung was left scratching his head on how he got himself here and what the hell he should do now.

He hadn't seen Yeosang since he'd touched him in the kitchen at work, and he wasn't sure on how to act around the younger. Wooyoung kind of figured the younger either liked him or just liked to tease him and Wooyoung wasn't sure how to deal with either possibility.

Wooyoung stood for a good 5 minutes, absolutely still, staring up at the stairs as if they were a steep mountain that he didn't want to climb, before he finally decided to start walking up them.

He figured he'd look like an idiot if someone caught him standing doing nothing, and going outside to sit in the car unfortunately didn't seem like a good idea either.

Wooyoung bit on his fingers as he approached Yeosang's door and pushed it open.

"Errr . . Hi?" Wooyoung said nervously, taking in Yeosang's appearance.

Yeosang was sitting crossed legged on his bed. He had cute gold framed circle glasses perched on his nose and his hair was pulled back in a small ponytail. He was wearing a baggy t-shirt that sat low showing his collar bones and he had high cut baby blue shorts on that showed off his slender thighs. His overall aesthetic looked like he'd just gotten up out of bed.

Yeosang was chewing on a pencil and held a text book in his hand, a bunch of notebooks and stationary littered around him. He looked up from where he was and gave Wooyoung a smile that made Woo's heart flutter. "Hey Youngie"

"Hi" Wooyoung said again as he stood in the door way. He didn't know what he thought about the nickname. Yeosang had never called him that before.

"You can come in" Yeosang beckoned.

Wooyoung took one step forwards so he was now in Yeosang's room. Yeosang gestured at his desk chair and Wooyoung sat down clasping his hand in his lap. "Why am I so nervous?" he asked himself

Yeosang stretched and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose "You know, when Mins was chatting with Mingi on the phone to organise a catch up I suggested Mingi bring you along, I didn't actually think you'd come"

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