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Mingi was lost in a trance and Wooyoung was glad for the distraction. He didn't want to talk about his feeling at the moment and particularly not whether he was touchy or not.

The girl whom had just entered the diner looked surprised at first when her eyes fell on Mingi. But she very quickly gave him a wave and a wide smile and then signalled that she needed to go work by pointing at the pink skates she had in her hand.

Mingi smiled back at her and stuck up both his thumbs in a very goofy manner to show he understood his eyes following her until she was through the door to the staff area and couldn't be seen.

"Isn't she cute?" Mingi happy sighed staring off into space. It's a wonder his eyes didn't turn to hearts.

"She's very pretty" Wooyoung answered as he turned back in his seat to face Mingi.

"You can't have her!" Mingi suddenly informed, he wasn't aggressive he just wanted to make sure Wooyoung understood that she was off limits.

Wooyoung put up his hands in defense and spoke to reassure Mingi, "She's all yours don't worry!"

"Good. I just thought I'd make myself clear"

Wooyoung went to speak but once again Mingi's face dazed out. Wooyoung turned around to see the girl rolling out of the door and he chuckled at Mingi.

The girl had a petite frame and was wearing a cute pink dress with puffy sleeves and a white apron around her waist, her hair was tied up with a matching bow on her head and in her hand she held a note pad and a pen. She rolled straight to them with ease.

She barely spared Wooyoung a glance as she looked at Mingi, her expression very similar to the lovesick boy.

"Hi" She smiled twirling a loose strand of hair that framed her face around her finger.

"Hi" Mingi answered back sheepishly.

The two stared at each other and Wooyoung cleared his throat.

Mingi snapped out of his haze and looked at Wooyoung then back to the girl. "Ahh so Wooyoung this is Kang Mina, Mina this is my best friend Jung Wooyoung"

Mina smiled cheerfully and extended her hand, Wooyoung took her hand and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you!" Wooyoung said, "You seemed to have quite the impact on my Mingi here"

Mingi kicked Wooyoung under the table and Wooyoung groaned.

"It's nice to meet you to! Have you two been here long?" Mina asked gesturing at the diner.

"We got her-" Wooyoung began to speak but Mingi kicked Wooyoung 's shin again and shot him a glare. Wooyoung shut his mouth.

"We just got here!" Mingi lied with ease, they had actually been at the diner almost an hour now.

Wooyoung just sat back letting Mingi do his thing. He didn't want to get kicked again.

"Oh Good" Mina smiled "Can I get you two anything then?"

Mingi made a show of looking at the menu on the table and looking at the specials board "Can we have two chocolate milkshakes please"

Wooyoung groaned internally, he was going to have a serious brain freeze by the time they were done. He smiled though when Mingi side glanced at him, his eyes telling Wooyoung to just follow along.

"Absolutely" Mina smiled "I'll go make them and bring them right over" . Mina squeezed Mingi's shoulder and then ran her hand down his back before rolling away, and Mingi went all red.

"Well someone's in love" Wooyoung said teasing Mingi

Mingi just blushed even more then he already was. "Do you think she'll say yes when I ask her out?"

"Haa! Definitely. She likes you!"

"She does? How can you tell?"

"I just can" Wooyoung winked, Mingi could be so dense sometimes.

Moments later Mina rolled back out, skating perfectly balancing the milkshakes on her tray on one hand, the other behind her back. Wooyoung and Mingi were impressed. Wooyoung was terribly unbalanced so he likely would have fallen over within 2 seconds if he were in her shoes, and Mingi? Well he probably wouldn't have been able to stand.

The pair drank said milkshakes, talking about random things, but mostly Wooyoung just watched Mingi as he watched Mina roll about taking and delivering orders.

They finished their shakes and Mina rolled over to collect them. "Soooo . ."Mina began as she very slowly put their glasses on her tray "I'm having a little get together at my house on Saturday evening, nothing special, just a couple of people from college, annnd I was wondering if you wanted to come?" She fluttered her eyes looking directly and Mingi.

Mingi nodded his head like a kid in a candy store "I'll be there!" he happy yelled.

Mina clapped her hands and looked at Wooyoung "You can come if you want?"

Wooyoung looked at Mingi for permission, he didn't want to impose. Mingi nodded his head giving the signal that it was ok. "Sure I'll be there"

Mina scribbled some details on a serviette and then held it out to Mingi. Mingi brushed his fingers with hers before taking the serviette, and Mina turned a bright pink.

"Anyway I should get back to work! Orders to take, People to serve" She said waving her notepad

They said their goodbye and Wooyoung dragged Mingi out of the diner.

"See I told you she likes you!" Wooyoung said mater-o-factly "You didn't even have to ask her out! She asked you"

"Well . . .technically it's not a date . ." Mingi pouted

"But she wants to see you again, that has to mean something Mings. Plus you can ask her on a date date when you see her again, I can guarantee she'll say yes, trust me"

"You reckon?"

Wooyoung nodded and Mingi mini clapped with his fingers in excitement.

They walked to Mingi's car and both hopped in. Mingi had picked up Wooyoung and driven, and since Wooyoung wasn't working at the arcade today Mingi drove him straight home.

Thankfully Mingi didn't bring up his break up or the reason for his breakup again. Mingi was to lost in the world that was Mina.

a/n Slow updates, Bare with me! :P
I'll probably just do Monday updates for now and then day to day updates once I have the whole thing written <3
Lorri xx

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