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Yeosang stared at his biscuit in his hands, and Wooyoung pulled his knees to his chest as he nibbled on his own biscuit.

"Can we-" both Wooyoung and Yeosang said at the same time.

"You go first" Wooyoung said quickly.

"No you go" Yeosang quickly retorted looking up at Wooyoung

"You sure?"

Yeosang nodded

"Can we er t-talk . .about . .things?" Wooyoung stuttered avoiding Yeosang's gaze.

Yeosang looked at Wooyoung. What things did Wooyoung want to talk about? Was he beating him to the point and speaking first? Was he going to tell Yeosang to stay away from him before he'd even gotten a chance to express his feelings. Yeosang felt his stomach knot at the thought.

Knock Knock

Both boys looked at the door again. Yeosang felt his heart leap from his chest.

"Who is it?" Wooyoung called out.

"It's me" a deep voice sounded "Can I come in"

Wooyoung stiffened "Sure . .father".

"Father?" Yeosang thought, he felt his own body stiffen and he felt like the air around them had suddenly grown thicker. Wooyoung looked tense, why was he tense? This was his father. If Yeosang didn't know better he'd almost say he was scared.

Wooyoung's mum scared Yeosang, but didn't seem to faze Wooyoung. If Wooyoung could deal with her, Yeosang wondered just how Wooyoung's dad was going to be if this was how he made Wooyoung react.

The door flew open rather quickly revealing a well dressed man with a thick dark black hair, his skin looked worn and his thick body made it seem like he could probably break someone like a twig with his bare hands. The air grew thicker.

"Did you need something?" Wooyoung asked in a polite voice that seemed way too formal for a family member.

Wooyoung's father stepped into the room.

"Your mother said you had someone over. I wanted to come introduce myself to your guest"

His eyes fell on Yeosang and Yeosang felt himself shrink under his strong gaze. Wooyoung stood up and Yeosang followed his lead.

"You of course must be Kang Yeosang?" Wooyoung's father nodded, his eyes looking at Yeosang from head to toe.

"Yes sir" Yeosang felt the need to be formal.

"Well you can call me Mr. Jung" Wooyoung's father said extending his hand.

Yeosang wiped his clammy hands on his shirt and stuck out his hand grabbing Mr. Jung's. He hoped that neither Wooyoung nor his father could tell how nervous he was. Yeosang bowed a little, partially out of respect and also to avoid his eyes.

"It's n-nice to meet you sir, er Mr. Jung" Yeosang needed a glass of water because his mouth was as dry as the Sahara.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your guest" Mr. Jung said looking at Wooyoung "It's nice to know you have more than one friend"

Wooyoung whinnied "I have friends"

"But none of them come here other than Mingi. It was nice to meet you Kang, I hope Wooyoung doesn't bore you too much" he chuckled


Mr. Jung scowled at Wooyoung, and Wooyoung stopped his whining.

Mr. Jung clapped Yeosang on the shoulder and gave him a toothy grin that was probably meant to be reassuring but in reality just gave Yeosang chills before he finally left the room.

Both Wooyoung and Yeosang let out a huge breath.

"Your dad is . "

"Scary?" Wooyoung finished

"Yeah" Yeosang looked at the floor and fiddled with his sweater sleeve.

"To be honest he's the reason why I have no friends, he scares them all off . .he scares me sometimes too, but he's harmless" Wooyoung half chuckled and half sighed.

The man didn't look harmless, but he wasn't going to tell Wooyoung that.

"Sorry" Wooyoung apologised out of the blue

Yeosang shook his hands at Wooyoung "Don't be sorry, there is no need to be" . Yeosang felt bad that Wooyoung felt like he needed to apologise for his own father. Yeosang felt like he should apologise for thinking bad of Wooyoung's father.

Silence claimed the air around them once again.

"So uh what were you about to say before?" Yeosang asked referring back to before Mr. Jung had entered.

"Um it's not important . .You want some water? I need water . .I'll be back"

Wooyoung raced out of the room leaving Yeosang alone with his thoughts.

Yeosang began to panic, he felt out of his depth. Maybe it was just his mind making excuses for him, but Yeosang felt like this wasn't the time to tell Wooyoung how he felt. What if his parents walked in? There was no way Yeosang was going to touch, do or say anything to Wooyoung with them around.

They seemed like the type that would throw him out if he did something wrong and they were religious. Yeosang couldn't even begin to imagine what they'd do if they found out he didn't go to church and was gay.

Yeosang wanted to go home. He was frightened of them finding out his truths. He felt like the word gay was printed on his forehead and he felt the need to hide.

Yeosang walked out of Wooyoung's room with the intent of going home. He was so anxious, probably more than he should have been, he was prepared to not even say goodbye. To put it simply Yeosang was having a panic attack.

He neared the front door when a thundering reverberated through the room, scaring the life out of him.

The gods that the Jung household prayed to were clearly on their side as the skies opened up and began bucketing down heavy rain and hail stones. The heavens were against him, condemning him to stay in their house.

Yeosang shivered and jumped as something brushed against his leg. He almost swore bloody murder until he realised it was just a cat.

Wooyoung never told him he had a cat.

Yeosang squatted down reaching a hand out to pat it. Thankfully the cat was kind and friendly unlike everything else in this house which held some serious bad karma. The cat nuzzled against his hand and then rubbed up against his leg.

The heavens clapped and the cat jumped into Yeosang's arms.

Yeosang felt trapped, his only safety net in that very moment was the cat in his arms.

A/n Just going to point out I've got nothing against the church, but in the context of this story since its meant to be set in the past when people frowned upon same sex relationships and weren't as open, it is intentional that I'm sort of looking down on religion, and its why Yeosang and Wooyoung are so nervous for people to find out about them (what they think, do, who they are etc)

Does that make sense?

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