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Wooyoung was about ready to clobber himself as Yeosang skipped out the door.

He'd been doing his bestest job to avoid Yeosang for the last couple or so work shifts. But he had crumbled and frozen so easily to Yeosang's advances just now.

Wooyoung couldn't for the life of himself understand why Yeosang gently touching him made his heart go haywire or why he liked it. He also couldn't comprehend why he wanted Yeosang to just leave his hands on his body.

"What the hell am I thinking?" he thought.

Yeosang was a work colleague, practically a stranger, yet he very easily kept muddling his brain. Thoughts of his ex girlfriend were distant in his mind, his thoughts now focused and filled with Yeosang.

Wooyoung knew he wasn't gay, he liked girls, but he also like Yeosang's hands and the way they made him feel.

It was like Yeosang was connected to a power circuit and every time Yeosang touched him it caused a spark, and Wooyoung couldn't deny the fact that he enjoyed that spark. A lot.

Wooyoung put his hand on his butt were Yeosang had squeezed and he lightly touched himself were Yeosang had groped him. "Why did I have to moan" Wooyoung mumbled, grumpy at himself.

He shook his head and took a deep breath to steady his heart "I'm not gay" he told himself "It was just an involuntary reaction"

You don't have to be gay to enjoy it

"Ahh shut up" Wooyoung told his mind

Wooyoung stood in silence for a couple of minutes before he finally decided to close up the arcade and leave. He double checked everything, because he was sure with his mind fuzzy like it was now he was probably going to forget something.

The whole time he kept repeating one simple sentence, that very sentence his new mantra

"I'm not gay"

"I'm not gay"

"I'm not gay"

"I'm not-"

"Yo earth to Wooyoung?!"

"W-what huh?? What?" Wooyoung sputtered as he turned to Mingi

"Ahh good I thought I'd lost you there for a second! We're going in" Mingi pointed at all the people dressed in their Sunday best walking through the church doors.

Wooyoung sighed, to be honest he hated church, it was the most boring 2 hours of his life.

Wooyoung solely attended church for his parents. Church meant little to nothing to Wooyoung, but he knew how much the community meant to them. Both his parents were very much a part of the church community and he didn't want to make them look bad by not showing up.

He'd seen what had happened to families whose children had stopped attending when they got old enough to make their own decisions, it reflected badly on the parents and it was seen that they'd raised a sinner of sorts. Families were shunned and out casted.

Wooyoung felt bad for those families, they'd done nothing wrong.

Wooyoung found the motto of "We are an open and welcoming church to all" that the pastor boasted about ironic since the church and it's people were very far from sticking to that motto.

At least Wooyoung had Mingi to sit with during his time at church. Mingi's family went to church every Sunday as well, and were good friends with Wooyoung's parents so they often all sat together. Mingi shared similar beliefs as Wooyoung about the inner workings of the church.

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