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Wooyoung lent forwards in the booth seat he was sitting in, eyeing Mingi as he sipped on his strawberry milkshake through his curly straw.

Wooyoung was currently out with Mingi at a Roller diner that Mingi insisted they just had to go today.

Wooyoung hadn't seen Mingi since the party and they were in need of a catch up Wooyoung had agreed to come. Wooyoung hadn't told Mingi about his break up and the events of the party yet.

Wooyoung had been wallowing in self pity. He was depressed because of the breakup and he also felt terribly ashamed of himself.

He had not one, but two very heated moments with the boy known as Yeosang, a complete stranger. The first was an honest mistake, but the second? Wooyoung had let that happen. Why did he let that happen?

Wooyoung had tried to call his now ex girlfriend in hopes that he could salvage the relationship and put his little kissing accident behind them. Her mother had picked up though, told Wooyoung that her daughter didn't want to talk to him, and then yelled at him for breaking her daughters heart, before promptly hanging up.

Wooyoung also stopped by her house with her favourite flowers in hopes that maybe if she could see him making an effort she might at least talk to him, but this time he faced her father. He didn't yell, thank god, but he looked disappointed as he gave Wooyoung a stern warning to stay away from his daughter and to never approach their house ever again.

Wooyoung wondered what sort of story she had fabricated to make her parents not like him. Did they know that she was the one who was breaking his heart? Her parents had always been fond of Wooyoung, but now that fondness was gone.

Wooyoung was just glad that her father didn't chase him down the street with a baseball bat . . .it happened to Mingi once.

So Wooyoung was left all alone, Mingi was busy so he had no one to talk to, well no one he wanted to talk to, he had other friends but Mingi was the only one Wooyoung wanted to chat with.

"So tell me again why we're here" Wooyoung said as he ran his finger around the rim of the milkshake glass.

Mingi took a big swig of his own milkshake, completely disregarding the straw and drinking straight from the glass. He wiped the froth from his face and lent in towards Wooyoung. "This is where the girl I met works, I'm waiting for her, I came in here yesterday but she wasn't working"

Wooyoung lent forwards resting his face on his hand "You said you knew her from college right? What are you going to do when she gets here?" He then took a chip from the chip basket and dipped it in the milkshake.

Mingi waved a chip at Wooyoung "Ask her out duh! And yeah we have some classes together but we'd never talked until the party"

"Oh ok" Wooyoung answered rather sadly, he was suddenly remind of all the dates he had planned to take his girlfriend on, but now wouldn't be able to go on.

Mingi rested his hand on Wooyoung's wrist giving it a squeeze, he could see that Wooyoung was upset but Wooyoung hadn't told him why yet "Woo?"

"Yeah?" Wooyoung said looking up at Mingi

"What's wrong?" Mingi let go and clasped his hands around his own drink waiting for an answer.

Wooyoung sighed, and his eyes began to sting "My girlfriend broke up with me"

Mingi sat back, gasping a little "Why? You guys were so happy, I thought you were doing well!"

"I thought we were too, but there was a misunderstanding at the party and she just couldn't see past it, so she broke up with me"

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