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"Wooyoung?!?!?" Mingi called

"I'm in here!" Wooyoung yelled back, his hand flying out of Yeosang's.

Yeosang dropped his hands to his sides and turned around just as Mingi came barrelling through the door an pushing him to the side.

"Woo are you ok!?" Mingi asked walking right up to Wooyoung "You were gone for so long!"

Wooyoung held out his hand to show Mingi and Mingi took it and assessed it.

"What the hell did you do?" Mingi turned to Yeosang "What did he do??" Mingi asked Yeosang referring to Wooyoung.

"I tripped and knocked over a vase. . " Wooyoung said in a soft voice. Mingi looked back at Wooyoung with concern.

"And then the numskull thought it was a good idea to pick up the shards with his hand" Yeosang humpthed. Wooyoung was glad he'd left out the part where Yeosang had fallen on top of him.

"Ahh you idiot" Mingi said thumping Wooyoung's shoulder "What'd you do that for? I was worried about you because you disappeared and now I find you all bandaged up" Mingi tsked

"Mingiii?" Mina's voice sounded from outside the bathroom

"I'm in here babe"

Wooyoung noticed the glare that Yeosang shot Mingi. Mingi didn't notice though.

Mina appeared in the doorway assessing the situation "What happened in the hall? . . Oh Wooyoung, what's wrong with your hand?" she covered her mouth in alarm.

Wooyoung explained what happened and Mina sighed.

"It's a shame about the vase, but at least you're ok. What were you even doing up here? Did you get lost on the way to the bathroom? It's not hard to miss" Mina asked questioning Wooyoung.

Wooyoung bit his lip nervously, he didn't want Mina to think he was snooping. "I heard Bon Jovi playing and decided to follow-"

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" Mingi exclaimed cutting Wooyoung short, "Woo loves Bon Jovi! It was probably like a beacon for him" Mingi laughed

"Sangie loves Bon Jovi too!" Mina rejoiced

Wooyoung and Yeosang stood there awkwardly like two kids at a supermarket whose parents had bumped into each other and had become deep in conversation.

"Yeosang you should totally come outside! Give Woo someone new to talk to!" Mingi chimed looking at Yeosang and ignoring the death glare that Wooyoung shot him. Mingi didn't know any better though.

"Oooh that's a great idea" Mina agreed "Come entertain Wooyoung Sangie, You can talk about songs and stuff!"

Yeosang looked at Mina and Mingi, and to Wooyoung's horror he answered them both with "Sure that sounds great!"

Mina walked ahead pinching Yeosang's cheek "Yay, look at you being all sociable!"

Yeosang swatted her hand away.

"Oh and don't worry about the vase, Sangie and I will clean it up later" Mina threw in as they walked around the destruction on the floor.

Mingi and Wooyoung followed behind.

"You looked bored with the guys at the BBQ" Mingi said quietly to Wooyoung as they walked down the stairs "At least you'll have someone to talk to now, Yeo's a good guy"

"Yeo?" Wooyoung thought to himself, since when were they on nickname terms? "Why are you acting like you know him? Have you met him before?"

"I have actually, the night of the party he came and found Mina saying that he wanted to go home, so I told him I would take Mina home so she could stay at the party longer" Mingi said proudly

Wooyoung did his best to hold back a groan for two reasons One; that Yeosang was now coming downstairs, and Two; that if Mingi hadn't offered to take Mina home Mina probably would have been in the car when Yeosang had found him and taken him home hence avoiding their whole. . . encounter.

They all headed back outside and joined the group who were moving to sit around the outdoor patio table. The girls making room on the table and the boys setting down the burgers and such from the BBQ grill.

They all sat down on the outdoor bench style chair on one side of the table, it was one of those long seats that could fit multiple people. Mina sat down cuddling up to Mingi.

Wooyoung sat down on Mingi's other side. He felt flustered when Yeosang sat himself on the chair too, scooting right up next to Wooyoung so their shoulders and legs were touching.

Someone sat down next to Yeosang, and Wooyoung's stomach flipped when he felt Yeosang squeeze himself even closer to allow room for them to sit. Wooyoung couldn't really do anything moving over would mean squishing himself into Mingi, and he was already squished enough as it is. There was no more room to move.

They all began picking at the food from the table, filling their plates. Yeosang kept bumping Wooyoung's shoulder and reaching over him to grab stuff on the table. Yeosang apologised each time, but Wooyoung was pretty sure he was doing it on purpose.

"So Yeosang what do you do? Are you at college too?" Mingi asked looking past Wooyoung at Yeosang once they had all settled into eating their food.

Both Mina and Yeosang snorted and Mingi and Wooyoung looked at each other in confusion.

Mina spoke up, "Mingi, Yeosang's still in high school"

Wooyoung's head spun from Mina to Yeosang with lighting speed waving the fork he'd been holding in Yeosang's face "You're still in high school?!". The boy he had kissed was actually literally a boy!? He couldn't believe it.

"Um yeah" Yeosang answered looking at Wooyoung and eyeing the fork.

"How old are you?" Wooyoung asked with haste and worry in his voice, desperate to know whether he was going to be labelled as a paedophile for the rest of his life.

"I'm 18"

Wooyoung breathed a sigh of relief, thank god. He was legal . . just.

"You were at the party so I assumed you were in college already" Mingi laughed and scratched his head "So that means you're in form 12 right?" Mingi asked as he passed the salad bowl across the table.

Yeosang dropped the burger he had been holding on his plate and licked his fingers before answering, "Yep I finish school this year"

"And perhaps then you'll actually find a job afterwards and stop mooching of Mum and Dad!" Mina added

"Says you!" Yeosang yelled as he leaned forwards to look past Wooyoung and Mingi.

"I have a job and I don't mooch. .much" Mina shrugged and took a bite of her burger, Yeosang sat back in his spot and took a bite of his own burger.

"You know!" Mingi began "If Yeosang needs a job he could check out the place Wooyoung works at, Ren's Arcade. Ren is still looking for more staff isn't he?" he said looking at Mina and Wooyoung sequentially.

Wooyoung almost slid out of his seat in frustration, "Why did he tell him that?!" he thought. Wooyoung wasn't prepared for this curveball of potentially working with Yeosang.

"I think he's already f-found someone!" Wooyoung stuttered and laughed nervously because obviously that wasn't the truth.

Mingi shrugged and he and Mina suddenly started talking with the others sitting at the table getting caught up in a new conversation.

Wooyoung glanced at Yeosang and his heart skipped a beat (but not in a good way) when he saw the small smile playing on Yeosang's lips.

Wooyoung hoped to god that Yeosang didn't look into getting a job at Ren's, and he distracted himself in the food in front of him, also hoping that Yeosang wouldn't  ask him about it.

A/n - Comment your favourite underrated Ateez ship for fun!! ->

Lorri xx

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