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: Warning :

Things are about to get
a little spicy & a bit rough

You have been warned

As the movie played Yeosang had snuggled up in Wooyoung's side, his head resting on Wooyoung's shoulder and their hands in Wooyoung's lap.

Yeosang's hand went a wandering about mid way through the movie.

His fingers started on Wooyoung's chest swirling around in mindless shapes, then on his knee, then the top of his leg, his inner thigh and then to Wooyoung's favourite area to be touched, his crotch.

Wooyoung passed a panic glance at the cars around them.

Yeosang turned Wooyoung's head towards him "Don't worry Youngie. No one's looking, they're all watching the movie and plus the whole time I've been leaning on you no one has passed the car or passed us glances" Yeosang smiled and reassured in a soft voice as he added pressure.

Wooyoung bit his knuckles as Yeosang palmed him through his pants.

Yeosang did make a good point, the younger had been snuggled up to his side for most of the movie, and he hadn't noticed anyone from the cars beside their own passing them any strange glances, not that he had really been looking. Sometimes Wooyoung felt so comfortable with Yeosang he forgot that the affection they show each other may seem weird to others.

Yeosang pulled Wooyoung's hand out of his mouth "If you do that Youngie it is gonna look like we are doing something"

"But w-" Wooyoung stopped himself, Yeosang had made yet another obvious point. If someone looked over and saw him chewing on his hand that would surely look weird.

Wooyoung slowly put his arm down on the car door window ledge and gripped that instead as Yeosang added even more pressure.

His body was heating up and his pants growing tighter and tighter and that didn't go unnoticed by Yeosang.

"Does he wanna come out and play" Yeosang tapping his finger slightly on Wooyoung's member through the fabric.

"W-whAT?!" Wooyoung choked as Yeosang grabbed his pant zip.

Yeosang didn't listen to Wooyoung's pleas and he very quickly pulled down the zip and had Wooyoung's member tightly gripped in his hand.

"This movie is verrrry entertaining. Don't you think?" Yeosang purred at Wooyoung as he slid his hand slowly up and down Wooyoung's length.

"Ffff-!!!" Wooyoung flicked his head back against the car seat suppressing a moan.

"I rrrrreally like this scene" Yeosang said as he pulled on Wooyoung's stiff member. "Don't you like this scene too Youngie?"

Wooyoung shot Yeosang a look of horror. He couldn't hold himself back when Yeosang was doing this to him, his body just wanted to react. Now it would definitely look like they were doing something.

"Do you not like this scene? Maybe we can do something else to fix that?" Yeosang purred

Yeosang suddenly let go of Wooyoung and he got out of the car "What the fuck are you doing?" Wooyoung whisper screamed as Yeosang walked around to his side of the car. Wooyoung followed him with his eyes until Yeosang was standing just outside his door.

Yeosang swang open Wooyoung's door and Wooyoung desperately tried to cover himself.

"Yeo . What . Are . You . Doing???"

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