Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Andraste's tits, what the fuck was that?!" Varric was the one who broke the silence.

"That, Varric, is why he didn't die when we went up against him."

She saw Hawke emerge from the shadows of the emerald trees. The ruby war paint that was slashed across his nose was smeared with a darker shade of red. By his side was Fenris, his eyes still drooping with sleepiness. But at least Solas had been able to wake him up.

"So he can possess anyone tainted with Red Lyrium?"

Things started to piece together for Talyn, and a haunting realization dawned on her.

According to the Chantry, Tevinter magisters brought the Blight by entering the Fade, and the Maker's golden city. Obviously that was a lie, because Talyn and Solas created the Fade, not a human Maker.

But there was another realm, one that was filled with dark creatures. A place where the very air could warp your mind if you stayed there for too long. A bleak world that was now her family's prison.

She wanted to call out and tell them how Corypheus just did what he did. Where their dreaded Blights came from. But she couldn't, because then she would have to tell them other things that they weren't ready to hear yet. But her and Solas shared a knowing look before Hawke came to a similar conclusion.

"It has to be more than that. Red lyrium must be corrupted with the Blight."

"So he can revive himself with the body of someone tainted with it. " Fenris finished for him.

"That's fantastic." Cassandra said bitterly. "If he is immortal, why did he run away from us? Doesn't he want Talyn dead?"

"The eluvian is more important to him than the Inquisitor's death. He wants to get to it before we do." Morrigan answered her.

Talyn had to suppress her annoyed sigh. She knew that Solas had mentioned Morrigan had come along, but she had hoped that she would still be outside the temple courtyard fighting with the rest of the Inquisition. But there she was, tall and wild looking. She hated looking at her gold eyes.

"We have time. It looks like they couldn't get those doors open, so they're going to have to find another way in." Cullen reassured the group.

Of course Corypheus couldn't walk through the doors. No matter how much Talyn hated her, the Dragon of Justice would never let a monster through those doors. Even in death.

"We're going to have to find a way in as well. If they couldn't get them open, we won't be able to either." Hawke added.

"Not exactly." Solas spoke up. "This is the temple of Mythal, the goddess of Justice." He turned his gaze to Talyn.

She understood the hidden meaning in his words.

"You are the Inquisitor, you are the hand of Justice."

She was your aunt.

"Mythal might welcome you into her temple."

You share the same blood. The doors will open for you.

She countered, "but the lyrium in my blood might make it worse, not better."

What she was really saying was: I am a Banalla, her sworn enemy.

"Lyrium doesn't matter in this situation. The ancient elves used it more frequently than we do now." He responded.

She was a Banalla, too.

"What in Thedas are you guys talking about?" Cullen asked with frustration in his voice.

"I need a knife!" She called out.

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