Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Talyn rushed to the main hall, Solas right behind her. Varric and Hawke were standing there, with a third man that must have been Stroud. They looked awful, as if they didn't stop to rest once on their way here. There were dark circles under their eyes, and blood and dirt coated their armor and their skin. There was an urgency to their expressions that had her worried.

"I am Stroud, and I am at your service, Inquisitor." The strange man said. He was wearing what looked like Grey Warden armor, and he looked a little more rested than the other two. He had a giant mustache that reminded Talyn of Dorian, and he spoke with an Orlesian accent.

"Firefly you really need to hear what he has to say." Varric told her.

"You have news of Corypheus?" She asked Stroud.

"I'm afraid so." Stroud replied. "When my friend, Hawke, slew Corypheus, Weisshaupt was happy to put the matter to rest."

A wave of anxiety washed over Talyn at his words. Something bad was coming, she already knew it.

"But an Archdemon can survive wounds that seem fatal, and I feared Corypheus might have the same power. My investigation uncovered clues but not proof. But then, every single Warden in Orlais began to hear the Calling."

Talyn was confused as to why everyone's face looked so grim, even Solas'. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Is the Calling some sort of ritual?"

"The Calling tells a Grey Warden that the Blight will soon claim him. Starts with dreams." Stroud rubbed his temples. "Then comes whispers in his head. The Warden says his farewells and goes down to the Deep Roads to meet his death in combat."

Dread settled over Talyn like fog over a field. "And... every single Warden is hearing the Calling? They think they're dying?"

"Yes. Even I am feeling it's effects. It's likely because of Corypheus." Stroud responded grimly. "If the Wardens fell, who would defend against the next Blight? It's always been our greatest fear."

"Corypheus isn't controlling them." Hawke said. "He's bluffing them into thinking they're all going to die. And they're falling for it."

Talyn started to pace. "How is he doing this?"

"He is a Magister as well as a Darkspawn, and he speaks with the voice of the Blight. That gives him the ability to reach out to the Grey Wardens, since we are tied to the Blight as well. "

"They've stopped thinking clearly. That won't go well." Solas said.

"We are the only ones who can slay Archdemons. Without us, the next Blight will consume the world. We must stop them."

"They're in Adamant Fortress, in the Western Approach." Hawke told her. "We must leave immediately, before they do something they'll regret."

Talyn stormed down the halls of Skyhold. "Cullen!" She shouted.

Cullen walked out of one of the rooms. "What is it, Inquisitor?"

"Gather our army. We're going to Adamant. The Grey Wardens are in trouble."

Cullen walked away at once, shouting someone else's name.

"Inquisitor, where is Fenris?" Hawke followed her.

"He's in the infirmary. He ripped his stitches, but he should be fine." She told him.

Hawke started to run in the other direction, cursing under his breath.

Talyn ran to her room and loaded herself up with her weapons. Every knife she could find was either fit into sheaths she strapped to her legs or went into her boots. She strapped her quiver on and slung her bow over her shoulder.

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