Chapter Ten

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Emily's Pov

"Come on, love birds. It's time to wake up," I heard someone say, making me groan as I turned around and cuddled up to the person next to me.

"Come on its Saturday. We're all going out for breakfast," I heard the same person say, but I just ignored them.

My eyes widened when I have suddenly heard a loud thud before I fell off of the bed and landed on something. I looked down beneath me, and a smile formed on my lips when I saw that I landed on James.

He groaned as he rubbed the back of his head before smiling up at me and kissing my nose. "Morning," I said softly before placing a small peck on his lips and getting off of him.

I held out my hand for him to take, which he did, but it didn't go as plan. Instead of me pulling him up, he pulled me down so that I was laying on top of him again.

"God, you guys. Keep your hormones to yourself," I heard the same voice say.

I slowly got off of James and looked around until my eyes landed on Alex, who had a massive smile on her face that was spreading from ear to ear.

"Well, good morning to you too," she said as James finally stood up and wrapped his arm around my waist from the back, placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Why did you wake us?" I asked a little annoyed at that.

"Because we are all going out for some breakfast, so go get ready," she said and started pulling on James' arm and pushing him out of our room.

I sighed as I look at her, and she just gave me an overfriendly smile before starting to push me into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

Luke's Pov

As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw James sitting on his bed.

"Where were you?" I ask as I walk over to my bed and sit down.

James gave me a weird look before rolling his eyes at me. "What are you, my mother?" he asked with sarcasm dripping from his words.

My hands automatically formed into fists as I watch the smirk playing on his face. "No, but I am just curious," I said with a hint of annoyance.

"Well, since you want to know-" he paused as his smirk only grew "-I was with Emily," he answered, and I could feel my blood starting to boil.

"For the entire night?" I ask as I stand up from my bed and slowly made my way over to his bed.

"Yeah, we slept together," he said.

Without even thinking, I lifted my hand, and my fist connected with his eye. My eyes widened as I realized what I just did.

James looked at me with his hand covering his eyes, and what pisses me off the most is the fact that that god damn smirk is still on his face.

"I knew you had a thing for her" he said as he stood up from his bed. "But what you have to get in that fucking head of yours is that she's with me," he said, making my anger grow.

"She might be yours but you better know that somehow I will get her to be mine" I said.

I could see James getting angry before his fist harshly came in contact with my jaw.

Emily's Pov

I stopped in front of James' dorm room, and I could hear the sound of groaning and things falling. I knocked on the door, but nobody answered, so I hit a little louder.

I looked down and slowly placed my hand on the doorknob and turned it to find the door unlocked. I stepped into the room, and my eyes widened at what I saw.

I quickly ran towards Luke and James and grabbed Luke's arm before trying to pull him off of James, but he was to string and just kept punching James in the gut.

"Luke, stop," I exclaimed but was ignored as he kept punching.

I was about to grab his arm again, but Luke's elbow harshly came in contact with my right eye making me fall back.

I gasped when pain shot through me as I placed my hand on my eye. I guess me gasping caused me to get attention because Luke stopped punching James and looked at me.

His eyes widened when he saw me, and he was super quick to get off of James and come running towards me, crouching down in front of me and placing a hand on my thigh.

"I'm so sorry, Emily I-I didn't mean to hurt you," he rushed, but my focus was more on James, who was lying there breathing heavily.

I instantly pushed Luke's hand off of me and crawled over to James. "J-James?" I stammered as I cupped his face with both my hands.

James groaned as he slowly opened his eyes.

Anger filled inside of me when I turned my head and glared at Luke before standing up and walking over to him. I stood in front of him as he looked down at me with something unknown in his eyes, but I honestly didn't care, so I just lifted my hand and slapped him across his face.

"Why in God's name would you do this, Luke?" I asked as I looked at me in shock.

"H-He......." He started before shaking his head and looking at me with more confident "This son of a bitch fucking touched you, and I will not allow that," he said as he glared past me at James.

"What are you talking about?" I ask as I gave him a confused expression making him turn his gaze back to me.

"He told me you two slept together" he said as his eyes show, hurt?

"What's wrong with that?" I asked, confused while looking back at James then at Luke again.

"I just can't take the fact that he would touch you in that way?" he said, and I was still pretty much confused.

"What way, Luke?" I ask looking into his eyes with the eye that wasn't already swelling up.

"Are you stupid?" he snapped as his eyes turn a shade darker. "You two fuck each other, and then you ask me in what way he is touching you," he said in a tone that I have never heard before.

"You seriously think that I would sleep with him?" I ask as a dry laugh, escape my mouth. "I am not some slut who would just sleep with someone Luke," I said as tears build up in my eyes at the thought that he would think that.

Luke's eye color went back to normal, and just when he was about to say something, I held up my hand for him to save it and walked over to James and helped him up before walking out of the room.

A few feet away from the room, James suddenly stopped and turned me so that I was facing him. "I'm sorry," he said as he brushed his thumb over my swollen eye.

"It's not your fault, James," I said with a small smile.

James smiled at me, but I knew he blamed himself for it. My smile grew when he pulled me into his embrace making sure that I didn't press hard against any sore spot.

I softly wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest as I listened to his steady heartbeat.

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