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Sorry for the late ass update! My family decided to bless and screw me over at the same time these holidays (love ya Mom), so now I've got to: spend 80% of my free time with family, find a new job, move all my shit to a new place in two weeks (gotta love my stupidly compulsive grandparents :), make travel plans for Japan AND Thailand in January, and prepare to move back to Canada in February (°°).:

Do people actually read these notes? Why has this book become a mini journal of my life? Why are all my updates freakishly long? Where did I put my favourite reindeer socks?

In other news, this update is a THICCCC 7000+ words.


*not edited*

"Of all the times that dead fish decided to do something, it had to be now."

At the far end of a long mahogany table, in an isolated corner of the school's magnificent two-tiered library, sat a piping pissed off protagonist who was breeding thoughts of violence and murder in her perpetually churning cesspit of a mind. However, they weren't the usual anxiety-laced woes that had been the harbinger of her distress nor were they her fear-mongering terrors that had been the mother of her nightmares.

"Why is that walking beluga the fucking dean?"

Sandwiched between two colossal bookshelves stocked to the fringe with thick volumes of gold-foiled texts and leather-bound volumes, Violet sat at an empty study desk, quietly spitting death hexes at the Mesozoic-era dinosaur fossil who had forced her to be the after school tutor of one of the school's "academically inept" students.

To put it lightly, for two days a week after her classes were done, she had to babysit a fucking idiot for a whole semester. While she was hunting down her living ghost of a reanimated boyfriend (Gin). While she had secret afternoon war meetings with her French-speaking English Lit teacher (Gabriel). While she halfheartedly fished for her White Walker of a step-brother (James) so she could get into his loose Armani dress pants and his tighter frozen heart.


"Why's this got to happen to me?" she whined, crossing her arms over her chest

Why did Ms. Tediosum decide to do something about Violet's frequent "absences" from her classes when such an irrelevant plot thread was never an issue in the past novel?

When Violet was skulking around the abandoned arts ward waiting for her Lover Boy to return to his favoured decrepit retreat, she had been reprimanded by Mrs. Tediosum at the room's obstinately locked door for "eschewing" her classes for the past two weeks.

"I understand you are not yet familiar to our school's code of conduct as you are a recently received entrant to our institution," Mrs. Tediosum told her after the hag had dragged her bewildered butt to her antiquated, Victorian-era office. "But breaches of our rules have consequences. And those consequences are a part of the educational system here, Ms. Leigh."

Now, seated at 'TABLE 12-E', waiting for an insignificant side character who might have a crumb of significance to the plot, Violet thought of all the times she could've broke into his dorm room or hideout when the opportunity, timing, and freedom had been available to her.

Why has he been so hard to find?

Her dearly unavailable Gin wasn't the only CP who had been giving her a hard time with their absences. James, "the overly obsessive one", the "villain" that everyone from Gin to Dingnuts had been grilling on throughout the entirety of the previous novel, was avoiding her.

Lovers: Boarding School Vol. 2//The First ResetWhere stories live. Discover now