Exploring, the boring part

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Doom's PoV

I don't have a choice, except to stay in Tai's house for couple of days, considering I'm very much don't know their world yet, it the best move for now, Dr Samuel Hayden can wait.

Tai gave me a room to stay. It quite comfortable, at least.

The night is quiet, I should know that everyone is sleeping, but I don't think I should sleep.

*Take out the Gauss Cannon*

Me: Oh my little sweety, look like you had a rough day.

I grabbed a clean cloth then started to clean all my weapon. You don't know how much I like my weapon. It what make me happy besides my rage when fighting the demons. Turns out UAC doesn't sucks at everything.

*Timeskip brought to you by Dr Samuel Hayden meme*

*Timeskip brought to you by Dr Samuel Hayden meme*

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I didn't noticed the sunrise at the windows. Luckily I just finished cleaning my last weapon, the super shotgun. Time past by faster than I imagined. I guess it nothing new. When I have been killing demon,  suddenly someone said it been eons since I started. Pffftt weird.

Well it time to get outside.
I ask Vega for plan.

Me: Vega, what is the plan for today?

Several "Peep peep poop poop" sound inside my helmet, and my visor showing that Vega is rebooting.

Vega: I recommend you to take a look around the island, maybe we can learn a little bit more about the characteristics in this world.

Ugghh sound boring as fuck.

Me: That sound boring Vega....

Vega: We can kill some Grimm tho...

Holy shit , he's right. :/

Me: .... Ok fine.

I grabbed all my weapon and insert it into my magic backpack, also known as warp pack.

The house seem so quiet.

I stepped down the stairs, trying to not make so much noise, because I'm heavy as fuck. Blame my armour for that. I noticed a blonde girl is .... cleaning the house. Look familiar.. very familiar... hmmmmmmmmmm.

Then I noticed her arm is gone. What happen to that girl, maybe the tragedy? I need Vega to ask her some questions.

Me: Vega, as usual.

Vega: with pleasure

I walked through the kitchen, she noticed but doesn't seem to suprised. Well I don't know what to expect when Professor Ozpin told everyone about me.

Vega: Hello, I'm Vega, the man inside this suit is slayer.

Blonde girl: Sure, I know.

She seem, very moody.

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