The awkward stumble

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Doom's POV

I've walked around this jungle for quite awhile now. 2 hours to be exact. There was something unusual around me. I can feel it. The jungle was pretty calm and beautiful. It such a rare feeling to have. I don't think this is my Earth, not at all.

I continued on walking for the past 2 more hours. My leg was still fine, I'm not tired at all. I used to be running and smashing demon for eons. I'm sure this is no hard challenge for me.

   You know what I take that back. This could be one of the hardest challenge for me because it was so boring. No demons no fun. The satisfaction of killing demon is unbearable. It was so addictive as it was fun, it bring pleasure.

  Through my walking, my footprint was pretty clear on the ground where I'm walking on. The ground was pretty soft, and every steps i took make a loud thumb noise.

I stopped for a second. I heard some noise from the bushes. And the noise becomes more and more intense as I watch the bushes shaking.

What is that? Better kill it

I grabbed my heavy machine gun with micro missile attached to it. I approached the bushes very slowly. Trying not to give a sign that I'm here. The soft ground wasn't helping at all. I leaped forward and extended my hand to grab whatever in that bushes. I grabbed it and whatever I grabbed wasn't small. The creature decided to show itself. It was a black bear and it knock me so hard that it make me fly a few metres back. It certainly have strength, I can give it that.  Too bad I'm not even hurt.

What the hell is that?
A black bear with external skull? The bear make a small hiss, then a low frequency growl was heard.

Oh you want some of this?

(The micro missile is ready)

The bears roared the loudest sound i have ever heard in this place . I mean that bear don't know who i am yet so that why it has some courage to do so.
The bear charged at me fast. Me with no time to waste pulled the trigger  and shot the head with micro missile. The micro missile did a good job at completely obliterating the bear's head.

That was surprising. There are some hostile creature on this area. Look like I'm not gonna be bored all day long after all.

The bear headless body turned into black smoke. Which is weird for me. I put back my precious heavy machine in my magic inventory. I hope I can kill more so I can at least get rid of my boredom . The forest went quiet again. I could hear tiny insect making noises. And soon after that, I'm bored again. Pretty much unavoidable at this point.

Somehow I do wish boredom have physical body so I punch it to pieces..

I'm ... Lost. How do I escape from this jungle. I need to find a way back home.

I walked again for the past few hours.
Again and again and again. All I'm seeing is red trees. All of them is red.
I'm confused as why is the trees is red.
It is beautiful but when staring at it for a long time. It getting irritating.
The day slowly turning into a dark night.

It was night already. Maybe all the monster in the area would want to eat me. So you know what, I will stay at plain sight. Let them come at me.

I sat at the plain sight hoping to find some prey. Sadly nothing approached me that night. Right now I'm getting desperate. I will run instead of walking next morning.  I looked at the bright night sky. I was surprised to see a shattered moon. The star when the sky was clear was a wonderful sight to experience. And here I am with no demon to kill and my rage started to fade out. This is getting worse that I thought. I waited until it is morning again.

A Mistake in the Remnant (RWBY x Doom 2016 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now