"Aww, no worries, it was not a big deal anyway it was Derrick's fault." She smiled.

"Guys!" Ned suddenly called out.

"Yeah?" We all answered.

"What if we go to the amusement park and cinema, like have fun after school today?"

"Yeah," MJ and Peter agreed, I was just standing staring like a dumbass.

Their gaze fell on me expectantly.
I hate my father!

"Uh, I just said I was grounded."

"I knew it!" MJ half yelled.

"Maybe we can go when you're ungrounded." Peter suggest.

I was not letting this slide, no way! Even if I had to risk my powers.

"No guys you can go, I'll send you a big surprise, I promise!" I grinned or smirk.


As soon as my feet hit my room, I took a shower and change to my fancy outfit a black skinny jeans and leather blue hoodie with a white T-shirt under.

Am gonna give my patents heart attack, Mr William dare ground me, I'll teach him a big lesson, maybe today I'll spend my night outside. Crazy idea yeah, but am a mutant and omega mutant to be exact. Let's have fun!

I jumped through my window, running off.

I spotted peter and MJ seating on the park bench discussing. I sneak up to them and pop out with a boo.

MJ flinched, "God! Louis!" She manage to say in between gasp. Peter was just laughing.

"Hey surprise!" I grinned.

"I wasn't expecting that." Peter said eyeing me suspiciously.


"Am so glad you're here our fun can be complete." MJ said.

"Dude you here!" Ned came out from nowhere.

"We complete, can we move now?" I tried all I could to avoid Peter's eyes. I won't tell them I snuck out, shameful! I'll look like the bad child, understand me my parents are the bad people, I just wanna have a little fun with my good friends. Peter might not understand that Tony stark have gotten into him.

He finally gave up and we carried on our journey of fun.


I just had the fun of my life with the love of my life and my best friend, we had a turn on the roller coaster, it was fantastic then we did many other stuff, had a babapapa, sweets, chocolate, popcorn because we went to the cinema, however my phone never stopped buzzing, I ignored it, my parents must have noticed I was gone, the buzzing suddenly stopped.

The sky was dark with stars staining it. We were working on the street.

It was so magic.

My phone started buzzing AGAIN.

"Louis pick it up, your parents are worried," peter said.

"I think that's the MILLIONTH time it's buzzing," MJ said.

"Dude did you run away or what?" Ned said out of blue. Peter's eyes narrowed.

"Did you?"


"Uh...no?" I said, ugh! Why am I bad at lying?

"You told me you were grounded, please don't lie!" Peter interrupted before I said anything.

"Fine! I ran away, happy?" I said with an attitude.

"But why?" MJ asked.

I sigh, "because I wanted to spent time with my girl and my friends, my patents won't let me. They're assholes," I said, MJ expression soften Peter still had the scowl on his face.

"Hang up Louis, they're worried sick!" Peter said.

"Fine daddy," I said sarcastically, as I reach for my phone.

"What?" I asked careless.

"D-" the line went off.

I put it back in my pocket and shrugged, bizarre I thought.

"Why did you hung up on them?" Peter asked.

"I didn't they did, or the line just went off." I shrugged once again.

"Go home Louis." Peter said.

"Hell no! They'll kill me."

"Your fault," Ned said.

I sigh, "I was planning to spend my bight outside today," I mumbled but Peter heard.

"What?! Maybe the sugar is climbing in your brain, you can't something dangerous might happen to you, please go home Lou," peter pleaded.

"Fine dad," I scoff before walking away after peeking MJ on the cheek. Peter was just exaggerating am pretty sure they're better off without me and vice visa.

I looked around in confusion, where am I? I was just walking without looking and now am lost, I sigh angrily. Let's face the tornado. I teleport myself to our compound.

I stomp to the door and swung it open, everything was silent and the lights were switch off.

Great they've gone to sleep after ruining my fun, I walked in the living room switching the light on, my heart skipped and my breathing hitched, I gasp at what I saw.

Who they hell are they?
What did they do to my parents?

To be continue...

Duh-duh-duh Finally there is tension in the air! Guess what's next?!

If you really wanna find out I'll suggest you read the next chapter.

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