Chapter 33

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"Why? Did you do that! I've warned you about your temper! Told you to control yourself! But no you just have to show up in there! And punched that guy! Broke his leg to be exact! Heck You smiled at your work! Why will you do that?!" Peter yelled.

My anger had died down I feel really guilty, peter is angry with me, and I don't know how to tell him it wasn't me, but my powers, "I didn't mean to I swear, is not me, Peter, my powers are trying to take over, I felt the same way I always feel when I was an assassin, I took pleasure in hurting people peter, is not right I need to have my bracelet back," I pleaded.

"I don't understand." Peter managed to utter, he was staring at me in pure confusion.

I sigh, "before I use to change to that horrible monster but now I don't know, I might change into something else, I think I have anger issues and this is having a really bad effect on my powers, am s- I need it back." I didn't want to express how scared I was, it will just make my case more pathetic. I've changed.

"Fine, we just gonna see Bruce banner," he'll know what to do." He said.


Bruce have been trying for the pass two hours to help me cool off, trying something that will calm me when am angry, but nothing seem to work, peter just have to mention about Evan and my eyes just turn from navy to piercing blue, each time peter will pulls a mirror in front of me, my eyes were beautiful but dangerous, I wanted to rip them out.

"Yes!" He exclaimed after digging his hands in an old box bringing a wrist watch.

"What is this?" Peter pointed at the old watch.

"Oh, I use to wear it when I was a little younger than this, just to know how bad is my anger, when am getting angrier the numbers increases and it doesn't stop beeping, don't worry I will amend this," he returned back to screwing the watch, opening here and there stuffs like that, it took only five minutes Before he gave me the watch.

"Here try it," he said.

It looked renewed beautiful, I doubt it was the same watch he brought out of that old box, it was old and just not right.

I fasten it around my wrist. "So?"


"Uh, did you remember that fat guy back in the restaurant, he almost had you, he was so huge..." Peter kept talking.

I felt my blood boil, and my heart pound hard on my rib cage, beep beep beep... The watch went off, peter had stop speaking they were both staring at me.

Bruce press a button on the watch and I felt a soft shiver run down my spine, it made me giggle a little. All the anger was gone. I let out a sigh of relief along with peter and Mr banner.

"Turns out good, I knew it." He said.

"Why did you giggle?" Peter cock his head to the left.

"It tickles," I replied with a smile, "thanks Mr Bruce banner."

"Call me Bruce please." He said before waving us out.

***Next day***

I was really excited to see flash's face but I knew he would run behind his daddy back and skip school for like three weeks. And for that am thankful.

Peter and I met and we talked for a while then, the bell rang. We got our test back and I got all A's Biology, chemistry and physics, I was not surprise, during the years I spent with Jennifer, I learn to focus on your studies in the hard way, god! She was so cruel am just happy she didn't mother anybody.

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