Chapter 4

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I stood alone in the long hall wondering where my class will take place, I'm feeling tired and hurt, everywhere hurts, I just want to curl in a ball in the dark. I sigh, walking in the hall while looking around.

Students were busy on their locker chatting or taking out books, only fewer of them notice me.

I look at the lockers desperately search for no 365, I huffed when I couldn't find it.

Why on earth will Jennifer move me to new schools and expect my grades to be A's? I hate her so much, with her stupid boy friend!

I was so engross with thinking that I didn't notice the boy walking straight to me, he was waving at someone behind him so he wasn't looking at the road, he had a soda in his hands.

He walk straight into me, his soda splashing over him.

"What the hell?! Are you blind?! Look what you've done!" He yelled, I stood gasping trying to utter a word but they weren't coming.

He grabbed my collar and pulled me close with his fist clenched.

Just then the bell rang.

"Flash, come on! We'll be late! You can do that later!" A boy behind him called.

"In lunch time!" He shove me to the floor and left, the hall was empty, I had no idea of who he was or where everyone had gone to.

"Great, Louis, first day in a damn school you've already gotten a bully." I sigh just seating on the floor, I was so drain and frustrated.

"Hey young man!" I heard a voice called, my heart leaped and I quickly sat up, picking my stuff. I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched.

"What are you doing in the hall while classes are going on?" A guy with brown hair and glasses asked.

"I... Am new, kinda confused," I spoke above a whisper.

"Pick your stuff I'll help you, my name is Mr Ed," he helped me up, he lead the way to my locker and finally he showed me the class that I was twenty minutes late to.

"You're late," the teacher said.

I don't know what to say, they are all staring at me, I wish the ground would open and swallow me.

"He was a little lost in the Hall way, his first day here." Mr Ed said and everyone laugh, if I could I'll run out.

"Oh, you must be Robert Louis Drake," she smile, I nodded.

"This is a new students, he'll be part of this class, from now on," she introduced me to the class.

The classes went by quickly, I was able to find my classes thanks to Mr Ed.

The bell for lunch rang, I almost jumped, "what  I gonna do, that boy was gonna hit me." I stuff my book in my locker.

The lunch hall was easy to find, I picked a tray and served myself, I am starving!

Looking around I saw an empty table, I sat there alone eating my lunch.

My throat hurt so much, from the strangling, jack almost killed me for something I didn't do.

I gulp the food with difficulties, my throat hurts.

I dropped the sandwich, though I was hungry but my throat hurt, I couldn't eat.

"Hey," someone reach to pick an apple from my tray. I looked up and gulped. It was the flash guy.

I stood up chewing my button lip I don't want to be hit, am tired and still sore.

"Remember me?" He pulled me to his face by grabbing my collar.

The bruise around my neck was exposed, he stared at my neck before looking straight in my eyes.

"Flash come on," someone said from behind him.

"Shut it penis Parker! You should be happy that is not you!" The flash boy snapped at another boy with dark Brown hair in red jacked and blue jeans.


"Shut the fuck up!"

He raised his fist about to punched me, I'm scared and I crouch curling in a ball, he send his fist in the air, with such a he land on my tray, soup splashing on his face.


Everyone was laughing, I raised to my feet, staring at the bully cover in tomatoes soup.

People were cheering and the flash guy didn't take it too well, he jolted up from the table fuming. "I'll ugh! Kill you!" He yelled.


I was cut off by someone shoving me, I landed on my back with a thud.

"Enough flash!" Mr Ed called out.

"He splash his soup on my face!" He whined.

"To the principal office!"

"Is not over yet!" He snapped stomping away.

"Are you okay, Louis?" Mr Ed crouch by my side.

I nodded while blinking, it was too much for me the eyes that didn't stop staring, I jolt up running out of the hall all jittery.

I ran into the toilets and shut the door, dropping to the floor I brought my legs to my chest and sigh.

My head was pounding, it was too much for me, he almost broke my nose, I didn't mean to embarrass him, neither to splash the soda on his clothes, Is just an accident.

"Stupid me, too clumsy," I stare at my gloves covered hands, "Mr S when will you come back?" I whispered.

I was really tired and hungry also stressed and worried, what if he gets hold of me in the hall?

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts, stay positive, or your head will explode!

The sound of a loud RING! Interrupted me, I took deep breath before stepping out of the toilet.

During all the classes it took me all not to hyperventilate, my tension was so high, I bet if someone pop from behind me I'll die of a panic attack. Finally the bell rang.

I quickly race to my locker, taking my stuffs, I need to be out!


I jumped a little dropping all my stuffs, it took me all not to start crying it was so frustrating, good for nothing as jenny would say. I crouch down and started picking.

"I guess you're Lewis."

I look up at the guy called penis Parker, that was what flash called him though, he defended me but why?

I half nodded.

"Am peter parker and this are my friends, nerd and MJ."

I glance up at the two people standing by us, a beautiful girl and a fat boy, I just nodded not wanting to say anything.

"Given your tongue to cat?" The girl, MJ said.

"Stop it, not cool, maybe he's mute," the boy Nerd said.

I pick my bag throwing it over my shoulder, "...."

"Get you ass over here, I don't have the fucking time for your pep talk!" Jessica called out.

For a moment the stare at her before returning their gaze to me.

I sigh and shrugged, before walking away.

Leaving them staring at my back, why do they care? I've move to like fives schools and no one care to know my name, just like I was invisible, people don't see me.

I wish they would stay away, am a monster.

Here is the fourth chapter of this book hope you enjoy reading.


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