Chapter 23

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"Louis, oh my God!" Spiderman brought his head to his lap.


"Mr banner what's wrong?" Spiderman asked, the man who was setting tubes on the unconscious boy.

"We might lose him, I just have to reactive his nerves." Bruce replied.

"What?" Spiderman asked.

Bruce unzip his suit revealing the scars that were slowly healing, with a hydra symbol tattooed on the small of his back.

"W-what did they do to him?" Spiderman started hyperventilating, Tony rip his mask off trying to calm him down, they walked to the living room.

"Calm down Pete, copy my breathing," Tony breath in and out, peter imitate him and soon enough he was back to breathing normal.

The avengers were all in the living room, and the tension was really high.

"This silence is killing me! Peter where do you know the kid?" Natasha asked.

"Is Louis, he is my friend!"

"You're a friend with an assassin kid?! And you didn't tell us?!" Natasha yelled shooting up.

Peter was angry with the way she spoke of his friend. "Louis is no assassin! Is the fault of fury! I knew it! I knew something was not right about his disappearance two years ago, but everyone kept telling me he is fine, he was adopted, in good hands!" Tears welled in Peter's eyes! "He is a good boy, he couldn't hurt a fly, he was so fragile, innocent! Am confused why is killing people? W-h" peter could finished his sentence, he broke down and started sobbing.
Tony pulled him close.

Natasha was surprise, she ran a hand through her hair.

Pepper took Peter away, allowing the adult to discuss.

"It a serious case, the kid laying on that bed came here two years ago, remember they kid that wanted to speak with fury?" Steve and Natasha nodded.

"Well after he left the towered peter never saw him, his foster mother said he got adopted then, I don't know, here he is, peter was right something is not right how did the kid get to Hydra?" Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and sigh.

"Guys Wanda is having a little problem," Steve said looking over at the vision who had Wanda curled up in his side.

"They did that to him, he doesn't remember," she kept murmuring.

"Em, I think we should take him to shield headquarter, he will soon wake, I just gave him a sleeping doze." Bruce popped out from behind the door.

They nodded, soon enough the landed on shield vase ship, Louis was lock in the same glass prison as Loki, he couldn't breakthrough, even if he tries he will fall out from the flying ship.

Peter objected the idea but was forces to accept Louis was a danger to them all, he might even kill him.

All he could do was stand and watch his little friend in the glass.

Everyone gave him some space he needed it.

Louis was regaining consciousness he eyes shoot opened, he didn't move an inch, he studied his environment and discovered he was in a glass but still had his suit.

He was angry, he would have prefer waking up in his ice tub, but he was here in a stupid glass prison.

He bounced up, checking his environment, then he spotted spiderman, peter remember to put his mask on.

"Hey Louis do you remember?" Spiderman asked.

The names sound so familiar the voice too, for some seconds his face softened.

"Is me spiderman, we're friends, what happened to you? You got missing and I was freaking out, please speak to me!"

Louis stare at spiderman before furrowing his brows, he took out his extra mask from his suit putting it on.

He ran his hands through the glass, verifying how solid it was.

"Don't try to hit the glass you fall," a voice came from the speakers.

Peter left broken hearted when Louis won't speak to him.

"Sir the avengers had caught the assassin," fury was informed.

Fury went to where Louis was kept and gasped.

Louis had taken his mask away, he press his ears on the glass, using his enhanced hearing.

He heard some people discussing about the blue stone, it most possibly be found in the ship.

"L-louis?" Fury gasped. "This can be possible," he left.

Louis had saw him, he too looked familiar way too familiar, he decided to ignore the familiarities, he came here for a mission and he must get the mission accomplish.

Fury walk to the avengers surprised, spiderman glared.

"Guess you have seen him! This is all your fault!" Spiderman yelled.

"Pete calm down." Tony instructed calmly.

"What happened? I thought he was adopted?"

"You thought? Wasn't he save where you left him? I guess no! You delivered him into bad hands! Heck you didn't care, you even sent him away!"

"Peter!" Tony warned

"What?! Louis is like this because of him!"

There was an explosion in the screen, it affected the ship, the alarms were blaring.

The glass prison had falling out of the ship.

Spiderman ran out of the room he saw many shield agents running around trying to sort things out.

Spiderman saw a black shadow, running in the crowd, he followed the shadow, he stopped in the middle of a hall the shadow had disappeared.

He saw a door he unlocked it, he saw Louis putting the blue stone in a bag.

"Louis no!" He yelled.

Once again he was frozen. Louis lean close to spiderman.

"Am. not. Louis." He whispered.

Ironman walked in arming at Louis who did a round off avoiding the blast, he disappeared before ironman, appeared behind ironman just a tap and he was frozen.

Many shield agents barge in with guns, he disappeared frozen them, he did a flick flak shooting the rest, to end it he did a backward somersault landing on his feet.

He broke through the window of the flying ship allowing himself to be swallowed by the clouds.

Spiderman allowed a tear to slip before he passed out from cold.

What happened to the innocent Louis?

To be continued...

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, just a little writer's block

Am a little confused I wanna get my ideas together, I'll update see ya soon.

Poor spiderman 😭😭😭

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