Chapter 5

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It was a rainy Saturday morning, everyone in the house was asleep except for Jenny, she was so impatient to receive more money into her account, today is the day the twins will be coming, she wanted everything to look perfect, she didn't want to loose money.

Jenny grab a pack of cigarette, picking a stick which she lighted, bringing to her lips she made a big puff of air.

"Today needs to be perfect," she whispered to her self in between smoke.

She walk downstairs to her greatest surprise the house was messy, in such a wreck, though she was they one that did it last night, bottles of beers, butt of cigarettes everywhere, with some left over pizza still on the table.

She was furious.

"B-" she stopped, thinking of a more better plan, if she yells that will be easy to wake them up, she wanted something that will make them jolt up from bed.

She smirk, walking to the kitchen.

She pick up three buckets, she opened the kitchen filling the two buckets with ice blocks before pouring water in them.

"Lazy asses you'll see just keep on sleeping."

She set a kettle on the fire and waited for the water to boil, before pouring it in the last bucket she did not forget to add a little bit of cold water, she does not want any of the bastards disfigured they worth dollars.

She grabbed the three buckets heading to the stairs, the first door was Jessica's.

She dropped the buckets smirking, she reach for one splashing it over Jessica who jolted up cursing.

"WHAT THE HECK! SHIT!" She gasped when she looked up.

"Wakey wakey! GET UP LAZY ASS, TO WORK!"

she left to Thomas's room well arranged with books in theirs shelves, she smirk, splashing the ice cold water over him, just as Jessica he bolted up screaming.

She brought her hands to her lips, "shhh, get out! To work!" She carefully left to Louis room.

"Oops he gets the hurt one," she whispered.

She stood watching him "so peaceful in his sleep, who will want to wake him, poor baby," she whispered.

He seem to notice her presence, he frown in his sleep, he slowly blinked his eye when, SPLASH!

"AHHH!" He screamed the water burn, he hated hot water, it burns. He bolted out of bed to the bathroom splashing cold water on his face as he groan, it hurt so much, he never had a hot bath since he was seven.


They dragged their feet to the leaving room all wet, she won't let them change.


"Oh, I almost forgot, be nice in your best behaviour, your new siblings are coming today, I want a big smile, Jessica I want you in gown, any color but black! I want you to look normal, not scary! Is that taken?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Now get to work!" She snapped.

The house was getting a thorough cleaning, the garden too, they were just three so it wasn't an easy task. Four hours of cleaning before they were done, they all collapse on the sofa, feeling tired and hungry.

"I'm starving!" Thomas groan.

"Stop whining in my ears stupid!" Jessica snapped.

"Guess what?" Jenny stood in their mist with a smirk, that was not good, the shook their heads.

The Mutant (Avengers and X-men)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora