Chapter 16

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Is been one week since Louis saw spiderman or any familiar face, one week since he saw the sun, one week since his life is been hell, one week since he slept properly, one week, since he spoke, one week since he ate a hygienic food, one week since he's being tortured, one week since he felt any emotions other than melancholy.

Louis lay on the floor cover with dried blood, his blood, this is were his been laying since one week, regretting the day his mum opened her legs.

He had cuts on his head and arms, hydra had the wicked idea to torture him with a sharp knife, he had two or three broken ribs, bruises everywhere, his dull blue eyes were bloodshot with bags under them, his clothes were covered in blood, the smell terribly.

He lay in silence staring at the dark wall of his cage, waiting for his abuser, he wanted to get over with, he wanted to die if possible, every hope was gone, he was in Germany no one could find him here, only if the care, his parents were probably enjoying luxury, while he was laying here in agony praying for death, who cares about Louis? No one!

He heard heavy footsteps coming toward his cage, he made no movement to run for the wall, they will always drag him out, why wasting energy and time?

The door of his cage was flipped opened the rough loud voice came sounding, "steh auf!" He knew what the man meant, but lay put.

He felt a sting on his head, apparently the man had smack the back of his head, he was yanked out by his arm, he thought it was as usual, kill someone, which he always refused, see the person get killed, get beaten up and severely tortured before been thrown back to cage more broken and devastated than he left. But today was different, he was lead to an office.

There stood agent 2 and another guy with one eyeglass, two look nervous, while the other guy looked cold and wicked.

"Is it him?" The one eyeglass man spoke.

"Yes boss, this is experiment #006," agent two replied.

"Hmm, he looks beaten up and ready to die any minute from now," the man replied, with his hands folded at his back.

"We had tried torturing him, but he won't compel, he refuses to work for us." Agent two replied.

"I see, one of those stupid honourable people, see what they've done to my creation," he scoffed.

"Bereiten sie die maschine vor! (Get the machine ready!)" The man commanded in German.

"Jawohl! (Yes sir!)," Agent two replied before leaving.

Louis was careless of what could happen to him, he was like a living dead, except for his emotion.

He was taken to another room with a machine, the machine looks like an hospital bed but it was mental with belt at the end and I the middle, four short belt in total, with a big stuff like a big cap, but had tubes connected to what seem like a heart monitor, except for the leva.

What are they gonna do?

Louis was forced to lay on the stuff, his legs were tired with the belt, his hands too, there was another belt around his neck, they were totally holding him down, he stare at the ceiling, hoping to see the light before he dies but unfortunately they were in a large basement.

The cap with tubes were placed on his head.

"What percentage boss?" Agent 5 asked she was standing close to the leva.

"Maximum, I want him to forget!"

"Sir, the probability for him remember is 50 over 200, which means he may never remember." The woman said.

"Am okay with that," the one eyeglass man smirk.

The woman pulled the leva, their was a big blue light that went through the tubes connected to the cap.

Louis started shaking like he was having a seizure, he screamed as loud as he could, he was really shaking violently.

Even after she turn the machine off, he was still shaking, the cap was removed revealt white liquid like spit that was pouring out from his mouth.

"What is happening?" The man called out.

"I think he is having a seizure, he is too young to be put under such," Agent 3 said.

They allowed him to be through with, he had passed out.

He was treated and admitted to a little room like hospital room.

Louis blink his eyes opened, he stare at the ceiling without moving, his mind was blank, he can't remember anything, his head hurt too much.

"You're awake," a voice echoed in the room, Louis move his head to the door, a man in leather brown custom was standing at the door, the man had one eyeglass.

"I'm Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, your creator, the head of hydra," Wolfgang said.

Louis stare at him blankly without speaking neither showing interest, the man walked to him seating by his side as Louis sat up with gritted teeth.

"Look what they've done," Wolfgang sigh. "Life was not fair to you, first your parents abandoned you when you were just a baby, a premature baby to be exact, you came too earlier, they didn't want you, I had to pick you, I gave you powers, I wanted to take you as my son but the god damn s.h.i.e.l.d agents came in shooting all our men, the took you away, I thought you were dead, I tried finding you but the killed all my men, the took you and hurt you, they gave you away, they did all this to you the abused and hurt you! See." He lead Louis to the mirror, he stared at his plastered cover face, he slowly unwrapped it revealing ugly cuts and bruises, he took off his clothe revealing opened wounds.

"Everyone rejected you, they hate you, They don't care, but we do, I find you on the street like this after fourteen years, do you remember anything?" He asked.

Louis shook his head. "Who am I?" He asked in a whisper.

"You are agent 006, you are a member of hydra, you have powers, you're an assassin," Strucker whisper in his ears.

Louis stared at his reflection in the mirror and frown, he hit the mirror and it froze before shattering, his wrist was bleeding from the cut but he didn't flinch neither wince.

Wolfgang Strucker smirk, "yes."

Sorry for the short chapter.
Uh oh! Louis was brained washed, what will he do now? Will he become a villain?

That! Get ready for the next part, If you are a badass you'll love the next part.

Vote if you loved!

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