Chapter 26

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That was when he let everything out, the powers he's been preventing from exploding since twelve years, he couldn't struggle anymore, he just couldn't, it was like having the world on your shoulders.

He slowly took off from the roof, he was floating with his arms wide opened, his eyes glow brightly with blue light, his skin turn white, his hair too, he was just like a floating dead.

Strong blue light ran through the metal like tube connected to Louis back to the blue cube, which transmitted the energy to the wires on Baron's chest, Baron skin glow just like he had light in the inside of him.

It started with a flake of snow, the bright blue sky turn darker with dark grey clouds, all of a sudden the gentle snows started dropping faster, with the rate at which it went, a storm of snow erupted within some minutes the town was covered in snow, like it was not enough the snow turned to Cristal icemen, attacking people.

Tony, Steve, Natasha, Peter, Wanda, vision, Clint, and Bruce banner, were all in the jet heading to New york, as they approach the saw dark clouds and a city covered in snow, it was kinda strange the were in spring not winter.

"Steve, I think you should see this," Bruce said.

Steve went by his side that was when he saw the signal on the radar, a big tornado was approaching the city.

"Oh my gosh, we need to evacuate the city in urgent," Steve said loud enough for the avengers to here.

"Why?" Natasha asked.

"I don't know why but a tornado is heading to this city we've got a little time to evacuate before it hits the city!"

"Do you guys see the Snow? Is too much! I won't be able to go further," Bruce said.

"Am sure Baron is behind this, we need to find him and get the cube before is too late," Tony said.

The jumped out of the private jet, landing on the snowy floor, "what the?" Peter said when he saw icemen walking towards a helpless woman and her child, they had ice sword, what were the gonna do?

When one of the icemen raise his sword to strike the woman cap through his shield at it, ripping its head off.

"This was not in our schedule, but we have to fight this stuffs back, Natasha, Clint, Wanda and I will fight here, peter, Tony and vision will hover over the city we must find them and stop their insanity!" Steve ran to the icemen men hitting the with his shield.

Wanda took another street, Natasha and Clint too, while Tony, vision and spiderman fought the ones on people's roof, while looking for Baron.

"Please Louis tell me you're not doing this," peter said as he swung through the buildings.

The icemen where just impossible to conquer, they still emerge from the ground.

The icemen froze cap, he couldn't move, he is stuck and was soon gonna die, the marched towards him with their sword, just then the started floating before shattering into many pieces.

Jean stood in front of cap in her normal suit she help cap to break they ice.

"Am jean member of the X-men we're here to help our friend Louis and they city," she said, she was in her normal super hero suit, cap just nodded, they don't have enough time to discuss.

Ironman had ice on his iron legs he couldn't fly without them, he fell nevertheless he tried to melt the ice with his hands, he was not fast enough another icemen popped out and froze him.

"Great now am helpless," Tony muttered to himself.

He heard a clash sound, he looked around to His greatest surprise the icemen were gone.

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