Chapter 8

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Louis walked in after a long day at school. He had spend his time with Peter, MJ and Nerd, not speaking much, most of the time it was Nerd or Peter that did most of the talking, as for flash he received an unknown message telling him to stay away from Peter and Louis, with others kids, he should stop bulling them, instead flash sent a fuck you to the unknown person and in return, a video was sent to everyone in school, flash got beaten by spiderman, MJ was really surprised.

Flash was furious and embarrassed, he receive another message saying "stop bullying people, I've many other videos."
Flash just stood up and walked away.

After school Louis was walking home when he saw spiderman, what a fake coincident?
The talked for a while before Louis went home.

They were gradually building a bridge of a strong friendship.

Louis walked in very tired, he wanted to catch up with his sleepless night.

The cries and plead of a kid could be heard accompanied with the horrible sound of something hitting someone, Louis guess it was his new so call sibling Paul getting beaten up by Jennifer, that kid was gonna get himself in trouble sooner or later.

Louis tried to ignore the screams, he slip in his room and shut his door, taking off his shoes and his bag, he creep in his bed with his pillows covering his ears.

It was still winter in German the streets were covered in snow and darkness except for the street lamp, Louis stood at the window watching as people were walking in their coat still shivering.

He heard the door slam with footsteps climbing the stairs.

He quickly hop in his bed raising the cover to his chin pretending to be asleep.

His door was cracked opened letting the light from the Hall way in.

Louis heard her groan before his door was slam shut.

He tried all his best to sleep but sleep doesn't seem to come when he was terribly hungry she had sent him upstairs before she left, no dinner! She yelled.

He creep out of bed cracking his door opened as he peer in the hallway verifying if anyone was around, the lights were out signifying she was asleep. He tip toed to the kitchen slipping himself through the half open door, he only wanted a cup of water before going back to sleep, his stomach was growling.

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