"What?" I asked playing dumb. She rolled her eyes. "We are going to have to put you on pills." She said with a serious face and then smiled. "Andrew and dad will freak out. Don't tell them." She said laughing. She is crazy.

We reached a really big room. There was a big red carpet and in the end, it was like a stage and two thrones were kept on it. The whole place looked so elegant yet it felt cozy here.

"King and Queen will be here shortly." Another bulky guy said and then walked off to god knows where. It was like a perfect throne room like anyone could imagine.

On both sides of the red carpet were many other really elegant sofa-like chairs. There was a really huge chandelier in the middle of the roof which if fell down by any chance will kill all of us. Crazy thoughts leave my mind, please.

I looked at Xavier and he had an amused expression on his face. Are you reading my thoughts, you creep? I asked in my head. He chucked and nodded earning some weird looks from the people around him.

I narrowed my eyes at him and then looked at mom who was talking to Mike making him laugh at something. Ah. I am finally free of the weird talk. I quickly walked towards Xavier.

"So. You are going to take pills now?" Xavier asked with a smirk. "Will you be able to keep your little one to yourself?" I asked. He shook his head with a grin. "How can I? You make me so hard. And baby even you know it is anything but little." He whispered in my ear. "Yeah, then pills it is," I said with a nod trying to hide my blush.

Oliver walked towards us and looked between both of us. "Yeah?" Xavier asked annoyed. "I can hear you both and I am positive that even your parents can." He said looking at Xavier.

Xavier looked at his mom and dad and then again at Oliver. "Your real parents," Oliver added and walked away. Xavier looked at me and shrugged. "If you can hear us... there is something called privacy and cutting it off. Use it." He said annoyed.

"We surely will." I heard a really angelic voice. I looked up at the stage like thing and I am definitely sure that they are the King and Queen.

"Bow." Mr. Edwards said looking at us and we did as he said. Xavier didn't bow. I held his hand and he was giving a hard stare at King and Queen.

He looked at me and then again looked at them. Everyone was now looking at Xavier. "If you don't want to its fine, son." The Queen said. The King just stood there staring at us.

"Xavier." He said in a stern voice. "Call me Xavier." He said again. "Very well." She said and then looked at all of us. "Okay... so let us take it to the dinner table. An escort will be sent to your respective rooms at sharp 7 pm and till that time you can rest in your the rooms allotted to you." She said and then looked at the guys standing in a corner.

They scattered and each of us had one escort. A guy walked towards us and bowed down. "Your highness. His Highness." He greeted. I looked at Xavier and he had the same expression on his face.

He pointed at him and said, "Xavier". And I pointed at me and said, "Angelina". The guy looked nervous and then looked back at the Queen who was obviously staring at us the entire time.

She gave him a nod and then the guy again looked at us. "This way, please." He said and started walking.

We were walking in a long hallway right now. I was looking at the tiles floor which was shining so brightly. Xavier kept his arm on my shoulder and nibbled my ear making me giggle.

"Stop," I said in a low voice and hit him. He grinned and started ticking me which made me burst out laughing. Even he was laughing. "Stop!" I shouted in between my laugh and winced in pain. "Do you want me to carry you?" He asked now looking concerned.

"Piggyback ride?" I asked. "Sure Angel." He said and crouched down. Our escort was looking down and was probably feeling awkward. "How many kilometers till we reach there?" Xavier asked with a scoff. "Behave," I whispered in his ear. He shivered. "Stop doing that." He said. "I didn't do anything," I said furrowing my eyebrows.

He sighed and shook his head. "You can understand the situation, right? Can we increase our speed?" Xavier asked the guy. The guy nodded with and started walking. "What situation are you talking about?" I asked him as he walked with me on his back. I heard him take a sharp breath.

"Nothing." He said with a strained voice. I kept my head on his shoulder. "Are you tired? Your voice sounded strained." I asked. "I am not tired." He said and walked beside the guy. "Can we run there?" He asked him. The guy looked up at me and smiled at Xavier.

"Mates really do drive people crazy." He said and then looked like he saw a ghost. "Oh! I am so sorry your highness! I am sorry his highness! I really didn't mean that!" He said and kept his head down.

"Did you give him your famous blank face death glare?" I asked as I kept looking at the person. Xavier shook his head. "I swear I didn't." He said. "Okay," I said and got down. "Hey, mister!" I said poking him. "I am sorry his highness!" He said again. "Call me Angelina, dude. What's your name?" I asked. Xavier pulled me beside him.

"Don't be jealous, kid," I said looking at Xavier. "Can't help it." He said placing a kiss on my cheek.

"What is your name?" I asked again. "John." He said still keeping his head down. "Look up, John," Xavier said keeping his hand on my shoulder and leaning on me.

If I move he will fall down. Let's try. "No don't. Don't do that." Xavier said looking down at me. "Get out of my head!" I said getting away from him. "Okay back to John," I said quickly when he frowned and tried to move close to me.

He stood there with a pout and frown on his face. "Why are you so scared, big guy?" I asked looking at John. "You are the future King and Queen and I just called your highness crazy." He said with a scared look.

"Well that's a fact," I said and looked at Xavier who agreed with a nod. "I am crazy about her." He said and again tried to come close to me. "Stay!" I said sternly. He frowned and stood in his place.

"I know what you are thinking but you can act like a friend with us. We won't hurt you." I said with a smile. "Now show us to our room please," Xavier said and then again walked towards me to pull me into him and this time I allowed him to do it.

"So are you a human?" I asked John. He shook his head. "A vampire in warrior training." He said in a low voice. "Ah," I said nodding my head. "You drink blood?" I asked. He nodded. "Blood makes us strong." He said and sniffed the air.

"Your blood smells really sweet." He said and then looked up at Xavier who tensed and pulled me away from John. "I won't drink from her." He said quickly. "You better stay away from her. I may be good to you, but you hurt her and you are a dead man." Xavier said threatening him.

"I know. I am sorry, your highness." He said and then we finally stopped in front of a door. "This is your room. I am right outside the room if you need anything and the room is soundproof." He said. "That's good for us," Xavier said and smirked down at me. I rolled my eyes and thanked John before we went into the room.


The first time in a while now that I am updating so early!!!
I am having a really bad headache right now so please point out any mistakes I may have made.

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Love You!!
- LK 🖤

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