July 5th

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 I felt Liams warm breath on the top of my head. He was still sleeping, I looked up at him to see his brown hair in front of his eyes. My sweet Liam, he always had such an innocent look, I inched myself closer to him so my lips were just barely against his. I licked my lips as I stared at his, Liam started to smile.

"You know babydoll if you wanted to kiss me you could have just done it, you don't have to stare at my lips, although I do appreciate th-" I pushed my lips to his and then slowly climbed on top of him as his hands moved down to my hips that were now resting on his. He started kissing me back till we had long repeated pecks, I could feel his smile with every kiss. He was happy, and he was making me happy.

"So are we love birds just going to hang out in bed all day?"Taylor bursts into my bedroom door, I pull the sheet around me as I scream and lay to hide behind Liam.

"Taylor what the fuck?"

"Listen Liam if I can't even see her tits you sure as hell aren't going to fuck her that easily. I'm still in this battle." Taylor put his fists to his hips as if he was some hero doing his stance.

"You're alittle late to the party Taylor, been there, done that get the fuck out!" I yelled at him as Liam pushed him out the bedroom door before closing and locking it.

"You know he totally saw you right?"

"At least I was wearing my hotest set."

"I have to say, you do look...breathtaking."

"Shut up and come back to bed."


Thanks for reading!!! Will soon be writing a sequel!!

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