July 1st

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I haven't talked to Liam since we talked about the parties so i'm assuming no ones going anywhere. I finally caught up on my classes a couple weeks ago, my professor had a family emergency and didn't show up to class for 2 days which was just enough time for me to catch up on the reading. Ashton tried to call me, he said he was having second thoughts about his marriage. I told him to talk to his unborn child and fiance to see if they felt the same, I saw their wedding photos the next day online.

After I put my laptop back on my desk and shut it off, I decided to take a nap, there was nothing better to do, I did all my shopping for the week, cleaned the house and finished my classwork..but as soon as my head hits the pillow my phone starts ringing.

"Amelia?" I hang up the phone and begin dialing Ash, wait what's he going to do, he's married now? I begin dialing Liam.


"OH thank god, Liam I need you to talk me off the cliff."

"Why, what's up?"

"My dad just called,."

"What how? Why, what did he say?"

"He just said my name, but he sounded concerned, not angry."

"Look Amelia i'm goi-"

"Hold on he's calling again, i'm going to give him a piece of my mind."



"Amelia, your voice, it sounds like."

"I know it sounds like mom you don't have to tell me that. What do you want?"

"I didn't kill your mother." Before I could wrap my head around what he just said Ashton swings my door open and throws my phone to the ground before stepping on it.


"Liam called, said your dad was on the phone with you. Why the hell did you answer the phone, why the hell would you even talk to him?"

"He said he didn't kill my mom Ash!"

"And you said I was your forever, people lie Amy. Get over it."

"Wait you're seriously bringing that up right now?" Ashes phone begins to ring, he automatically answers.

"Liam I got to-"

"I am not your brother Ashton Sharp. Now hand my daughter your phone please."

"Why, why should I let you talk to her?"

"Because I know where her mother is."

"Emmalines been gone for some time now."

"Emmaline died yes, but she created another life, as Ellanore Amelia Cassidy. She's alive."

"Why should we believe you?"

"Put me on speaker so my daughter can hear as well." Ash holds his phone out to me..

"I can prove she's alive. I can take you to her."

"Take us to her as in kill us too?"

"Amelia. Close your mouth if you won't speak properly to me. I didn't kill her, drop the attitude."

"Drop the attitude? Fuck you! You have been trying to kill me my whole life, trying to track me down, making goons scare my new family! You have haunted me my whole life, why the hell should I drop the fucking attitude?"

"I WAS TRYING TO FIND YOU TO SAVE YOU! Your aunt Sable was supposed to take custody of you, but these people got custody of, Elizabeth Sharp...such a horrid woman, your mother was a thief and a whore!"

"My mothers name was Vanessa."

"No it wasn't." after a long pause my dad jumps back into the conversation. "I was trying to get you back from them, their father, Elton, was the man who framed me for Emmaline's death. Emma had made plans to run away with their father because she was pregnant with his baby. So he killed his other mistress and used his money to make them your mothers remains. He never planned on leaving his wife though, so when he told her she threatened to expose him but he silenced her saying he would make it to where she never saw you again if she said a word about what he did. So he framed me to get me out of the way..then he adopted you so he could send her pictures and videos of you. She knows you very well and she still adores you Amelia.

"So she's alive?"

"Yes, we heard of Eltons death so she asked me to find you, bring you to her. I wasn'y aware of her being alive until I saw her just after I was released. I can take you to her Amelia, I can take you to your mother."


The One I LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora