January 3rd, 2018

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I could hear the slow beep of the hospital monitor mimicking my heart beat. The white walls of the hospital were almost to bright for my small blue eyes to comprehend. After nearly a minute of adjusting I finally opened my eyes wide to see a sleeping Ashton in the chair next to me and Liam snoring on the couch by the far wall. The monitor beeped faster, why am I in a hospital? What happened?

"Good Morning Ms.Carminda, i'm Dr. Alseed. I'm sure you have lots of question but first I need to do some simple tests and then i'll explain everything. Could you raise your arm please so I can get your blood pressure?" I lifted my right arm for him the wrap the pressure sleeve around me. After following the light pen and saying a few vowel tricky sentences he determined I was much better and sat at the foot of my bed. "Amelia are you aware of what day it is?"

"I believe It's January 1st?"

"Well you were out for a couple days...today is January 3rd, your friends brought you in after you had a major seizure and collapsed. We believe you have Epilepsy and are waiting on your approval to do some blood and genetic testing."

"Epilepsy? As in can't watch a lot of t.v. or my body will spasm? Making me bite my tongue like a freak?"

"Epilepsy medications have improved severely, the medication I will be recommending could very make it to where you never have a seizure again, from what tests I have done I can see that you haven't had one before and this was a first. It could very well be your only." Liam stirred awake and looked at me, He tapped on Ashton forcing him awake. "I will leave you to talk, if you could sign these consent forms so a nurse can come in and draw some blood real quick i'll be on my way." I quickly scratched my name on the papers and turned to the two boys in front of me.

"What the hell happened?"

"Well when you got home from your walk with Liam the other night you must have fell while coming up the stairs because you never made it up. So when Liam finally showed he found you on the stairs unconscious."

"Wait I never made it to the party?"


"So that never happe..."

"What never happened? What do you think happened?"

"Nothing, I guess it was a dream."

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