April 23rd

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I could hear the music playing in my dream, it was the low hum of a gospel song. I slowly woke, groggy. I walked to the kitchen in only an oversized shirt to pour myself a cup of coffee, oh wait brew coffee. When I moved out and took my coffee pot it was reset from being unplugged so it doesn't have the automatic coffee in the morning..living alone sucks sometimes.

I left Ashton after I dropped Liam off at the airport on February 4th, I realized me and Ashton could never be happy, it was much better for me to just move into the apartment my mom left for me when she died. Last I heard Ashton got married to Kristina and shes pregnant... she was pregnant back in November..so she's like 5 months along. After Liam left I felt like I didn't belong anymore. I started taking kickboxing and enrolled in Oregon State University. I'm majoring in English Literature II and taking a couple extra classes to fill up my week to keep me from staying in bed. Since Liam left..everythings become so hard.. I can't sleep at night, I cant bring myself to get up in the morning. Even breathing has become a struggle..

After getting my coffee, I sit at my desk and pull out my Laptop to begin my essay. Lately class has been kicking my ass, I fell behind a couple weeks ago because Liam face timed me to show me his dorm and so he could see my apartment and thats when he told me that he met a girl. A blonde cheerleader majoring in psychology, named Leah none the less. She seemed a little too perky for Liam but he seemed happy..ever since that call I've been kind of stuck in a daze in my bed. It's been nearly a week...he invited me to a college party for fourth of July but I denied and asked if he would come here for a party then, he said he'd talk to his girlfriend about it..his girlfriend. 

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