8 장

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Yoongi's P.O.V
Jimin and I get to our bedroom and he sets me down on our bed as he goes over to the shelf and presses a button. I stare at what he's doing. All of a sudden I see a large flatscreen TV come up out of the big shelf. I stare at it in amazement. "Woah what is that?" I asked amazed. Jimin laughs "it's a hidden TV every room has one isn't it cool." He says and I nod my head really fast. He laughs and grabs the Tv remote and turns it on. I wonder how it works. In my old pack I wasn't aloud to have what the the other pack members had. Cellphones, Ipods, Computers, where something I was never aloud to have since I was an omega. I used to be aloud to watch the TV but that was before my parents died. After they died I wasn't aloud to have anything except what they gave me. Which was nothing. I continue to watch Jimin as he works the TV like it's natural to him. He looks over at me and notices I'm staring at him. "Haven't you ever seen a TV remote before?" He asks laughing. I put my head down and shake my head no.

Jimin's P.O.V
I looked at Yoongi shocked. He really doesn't know what it is... now I feel bad for laughing. I lift his head up with my finger and look at him. "You never used a TV remote before?" I asked curious. He shook his head no. " I used to be able to watch TV when my parents were alive but after they died I wasn't aloud to anymore. The alpha said I wasn't worthy to have possession over anything expensive." Yoongi said. "Wait so you've never had a cellphone or anything." I asked in disbelief. He shook his head no. His old pack really did treat him like shit they didn't even give him what everybody else has. I sigh and look at Yoongi and notice he's playing with his thumbs. "do you want me to teach you how to use a TV remote?" I ask and immediately Yoongi sits on my lap and nods his head yes excitedly. I smile and teach Yoongi how to use the TV remote. After a few minutes of showing him how to use it and him practicing he gets the hang of it. I smile and kiss his head. "I'm proud of you baby now what movie do you want to watch?" I ask while smiling at my adorable mate. He shrugs his shoulders. "Why don't you pick something you'll think I like." I smile and push him closer to me. "Okay baby." I say as I go to the Disney movies and pick out one of my all time favorite Hercules. Yoongi smiles and wraps himself up in the fuzzy blanket I gave him from the couch and I put the covers in both of us as we sit and watch the movie. Once the movies over I look at Yoongi and notice he's asleep. That's cute he really did try to stay up to watch the movie. I slide him beside me while I turn the tv off and press the button to make sure it goes back into the shelf. I look at Yoongi sleeping peacefully curled up in the covers and I smile. I go over and kiss his cheek. I feel him stir and open his eyes. He yawns and pouts. "Jiminie did I fall asleep?" He says as he continues to nuzzle into the pillow. I smile and run my finger threw his hair. "Yes kitten you did but it's okay." I say softly and continue to run my fingers threw his hair. He purrs at the affection that I'm showing him and I feel my wolf pleased. I look down and notice me and Yoongi are still in our clothes. "Hey kitten I need to you stay awake for a little bit longer I need to change you into some fresh clothes okay." I said sweetly and Yoongi nods tiredly. I stand up and go to my walk in closet. I pull out one of my t shirts and and old pair of boxers that don't fit me anymore. I walk over to Yoongi with the clothes. "Okay my tired prince can you sit up for me?" He groans and sits up. I pull the dirty shirt that he's wearing off his body and replace it with my shirt. When thats done I look and see that Yoongi fell back to sleep again. I smile and kiss his head. Awe my little prince couldn't stay up any longer. He's so adorable. I smile and lay him back down. I took his sweatpants and old boxers off quickly. I look at his old boxers and notice they had holes in them. I frown at that and look at the clothes he was wearing. They have holes and are old and ruined. Imma need to go shopping for him and get him some new clothes. I don't want my baby getting sick. I put the sweatpants and boxers in a pile with the rest of his stuff and I replace his old boxers with new ones and they fit. I smile loving the fact that he smells more like me. I then take my shirt and pants off and crawl in bed with Yoongi. I wrap my arms around him and smell his hair until I feel myself drifting off to sleep.

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