Being accepted for being me

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 A/N - 

hey guys! sorry if it took a while to update!! Homework's been taking up quite a bit of my time, and I've been helping my friends with some stuff, while dealing with my own disastrous life problems at the same time. But everything is sorted now, which is why I have updated!! 

I hope you guys like it!! Vote and Comment!!


Taking in a deep breath, I stared at the mirror in the infirmary office and sighed at my reflection. I couldn't believe I had gotten myself into this. I could have just said ‘No, you can’t see my sister.’ But no, I had to say they could. And now, here I was, being a girl once again. I turned to the side and stared at my chest.

Were they always this size? I could have sworn I was flat-chested before.

Its probably because you havent seen them in about three weeks since you were given those singlets.

Thats true I guess. Wait, why am I talking to you? Go away!

You cant tell yourself to go away.

Shut up already!

Youre the one talking to yourself in your head.

I gritted my teeth and ignored the voice. I needed to get rid of it somehow; it only made everything more complicated. Though, with a sigh, I realized my life was already so complicated, the little voice in my head was probably the thing keeping me sane.

With yet another sigh, I remembered how this had all managed to happen. Yesterday, after Hayden had finally gone back to his own dorm, I had dragged myself over here and spoken to my mother. I still couldn’t believe what had actually happened.


*Flash Back*

Gritting my teeth, I sucked up my pride and knocked on the large door before me. I couldn’t believe I had actually come here. She probably wouldn’t even allow it.

“Jesse, what’s wrong?” my mother asked, somehow standing before me.

Since when did the door open??

“I need your help,” I muttered under my breath.

“I was waiting for this,” she smiled (yes, she actually smiled. Scary, isn’t it?), before dragging me inside and taking me to her office.

“Wait, how do you know what’s going on?” I asked, trying to keep my voice level.

“That’s something for me to know,” she replied, a flash of evil showing up in her eyes.


Suddenly, a backpack was thrown into my arms and my mother was passing me a mobile phone.

“Hey, wait, what is all this?” I asked, my voice coming out in a squeak.

“This, my dear, is to help you keep your identity hidden tomorrow when you come to school as, well, you,” she smiled. “Now, in the bag are a pair of your old clothes, and a wig that is exactly like how you used to have it. That phone is for the real you; Jesse. Tomorrow, the male you, Jace, will be going phone shopping with Emily for the phone you will use when you are being Jace. Now, the number of this phone is installed under your name, memorize it by tomorrow and go have fun with your friends,”

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