A Whole Lot of Clothes

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“Yeah… wait, what?” I replied intelligently.

“I told you,” the young, pretty lady sighed, her blue eyes still sparkling. “I really want you and your friends to be a part of my magazine’s photo-shoot!”

All five of us remained utterly silent as we gaped at the red haired woman grinning in front of us. She wasn’t serious, was she? I mean, who would want a bunch of teenage guys (ok, three guys and two girls, but no one really knew that) to be in a magazine? That would be shown to the public? Especially this bunch of people; and before you get up me for insulting my friends, I’m insulting myself too.

“Ok, let me get this straight,” Blake said, running a hand through his hair. “You want us, to go with you and be a part of this photo shoot, and those photos will be shown in your magazine?”

“Exactly,” she smiled.

“And what exactly will we be wearing in this photo shoot?” Hayden asked.

“Just a bunch of new fashion brands that are yet to be released,” the lady smiled.

“What brand are we talking about here?” Jeremiah asked curiously.

“Oh quite a few! Levis, Giordano, Rush, Ripcurl and Billabong,” the lady said, ticking them off her fingers as she went.

“Is your magazine only sold here in Australia or something?” Emily asked. “Because most of those are Australian surfer type of brands,”

“My, you’re observant,” the lady smiled. “You’re quite right, by the way,”

“How long would it take?” I asked.

“About a day, if all goes to plan,” the lady smiled.

“What else will we be doing then?” I asked. “Surely we won’t only be trying those on for a whole day,”

“There are a few other clothes we would like you all to try on too for a special section in the magazine, and we also have a shortage of photographers… So the whole process will take quite some time,” the lady explained.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled.

“Lunch and dinner will be provided for you, and you will be paid for your efforts,” the lady suddenly added.

“How much would we get paid?” Jeremiah asked, raising an eyebrow as though he was getting interested.

“One hundred and fifty each,” the lady simply replied.

“No thanks,” I said.

“I’m in!” Emily, Jeremiah and Hayden grinned.

“Guys, guys, hold up a second!” I said, waving my hands to get their attention on me. “We don’t have enough time for this!”

“Jace is right guys, we have curfew and stuff remember?” Blake nodded.

“Oh, it’s ok,” the lady shrugged casually, staring at her nails as she slid her hip to the side. “I guess we could just find some other good looking kids your age instead,”

“Is that a challenge?” I asked, glaring over my shoulder at her.

“Maybe it is,” she replied, meeting my stare.

“I’m in,” I suddenly blurted before I could stop myself.

“What?!” Blake exclaimed, staring at me like there was a huge flying pig sitting on my head.

OK, so I should tell you all that I have this thing with challenges. I can never decline a challenge, no matter how bizarre it sounds. I swear that I get it from my scary mother.

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