The Last Day

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Out of all the people I would be versing today, why did it have to be him? I mean, just before when we beat the second year’s team; I was versing Steven and Caleb; and now I was versing these two. 

“God hates me,” I said, accepting that fact. “He really, really hates me,”

“That’s incredibly harsh,” Kalem pouted. “If anything, you should be excited to see me,”

“Why would I be excited to see you?” I glared.

“You’re rather mean,” Patrick observed.

“Congratulations Sherlock,” I muttered, rolling my eyes.

“Jace, get over here will you?” Hayden called from the bench where the rest of my team was waiting for me.

I sighed and jogged over to them; picking up a stick on the way. When I arrived, I crouched down and started drawing the field in the dirt.

“Alright, so if it isn’t obvious; we’re playing Field Hockey; hence the sticks, shin pads and the mouth guards,” I started. “Now, our opponents are the Third Year’s top class and they’re going to be formidable. They’re tall; they’re fast and they’re strong. But we have probably the best teamwork skills out there; and that’s what we have to use to win.

“Obviously, we don’t have a full hockey team which is usually 11 players. Instead, we have to make do with seven. Jake; since your wrist is still in reasonably bad shape, You’re going to have to sit out. We need even teams and because Ethan makes out team a team of 8; we need to sit one person out,”

“Understood,” Jake nodded. “I’ll keep score from here,”

“Good,” I nodded before turning to Emily. “I will be making you the goalkeeper, so start getting ready now but keep listening to what I have to say,”

She nodded and started pulling on the keeper’s gear while I continued.

“Ok, so, our fastest three will be at the front; which include Hayden, Zane and me. Our middle fielder will be you, Peter, and our two fall backs will be Blake and Jeremiah. We will work as a unit; we move forward as a Unit, and we move backwards as a unit. I don’t always want my fall backs hanging too far back; because then we will be too far away to help if they break through. If they get through; I want you to be there, right away, and while you hold them back, the rest of us can skip in behind you and help defend.

Now, when we attack I want everyone to be open as much as possible. If someone’s on you; lead away from them. If they follow, then at least draw them away from other players; make gaps. Don’t try to be the hero because against these people; it will not work. Sticks are to be on the ground at all times and I want everyone to be talking. Ethan; you’re the one who tells us what to do. You see everything. If you see something, tell us; don’t think we’ll be ok, or that you’re being annoying. Even if you are being annoying; we need you to tell us. Shout at us if you have to. You’re the King today; what you say goes. Does everyone understand?”

“Yes!” everyone replied.

“Good; then let’s go kick some senior butt,” I grinned.

We all got ourselves ready; throwing on the blue socks and bibs. Today; we were not ‘Team C’, but we were the ‘Blue Dragons’, and we were going to defeat the ‘Red Fangs’. We had a full hour to play today; and the whole school was out to watch us. We would win. That was our goal.

We made our way onto the field where Mr. Slaughter was waiting for us. He handed me a white arm band that would show I was my team’s captain. When the ‘Red Fangs’ walked out, Mr. Slaughter gave another white band to Kalem who, not surprisingly, was their captain.

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