The horror of the Sports Clubs

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The next day, I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. There were so many sporting clubs and I wanted to try them all. Blake and Hayden had long since gone and were already trying out for the clubs they wanted to join. Caleb was watching over the high jump while Steven was watching over the hundred meter sprints.

I wondered around, looking at every sport related club activity and tried to decide which one to do first. I looked around and found the soccer field and decided to start there. I jogged over and joined the line where each person was trying their hand at getting the ball past the goal keeper. After very few successes (about two out of the fifty or so that were before me) I grew nervous as I stood just behind the ball. This goal keeper was very good and professional.

"Come on squirt," the keeper snickered at me. "Try getting it past me,"

I glared at him and took a step back. How dare he call me a squirt! I was going to beat him so hard he would be ashamed!

I took a breath and released it before stepping up to the ball and swung my right leg and the inside of my foot connected strongly with the ball. It flew towards the top left hand corner and slipped passed the goal keepers outstretched fingers. I grinned at his shocked expression and left, heading onto the next activity.

I tried all the team sports first, managing to score a stroke in Hockey, a three pointer in basketball, a home run in softball and baseball, several runs in cricket and a few tries in other sports. Now though, I was heading towards the hundred meter sprints which seemed fairly empty apart from a few very tall guys who looked exceptionally serious.

"Hey Jace! I was wondering when you would come!" Steven grinned, waving at me.

"I wouldn't miss it!" I replied.

"Well come on then, you can race with these guys," he said, gesturing to the guys behind him who were setting up on the start line.

I grinned and headed over, luckily getting the third lane; my lucky lane. I set up with my two fingers on the line and one foot behind the other. I rolled my eyes as I saw the guys beside me stare with raised eyebrows. Just because I didn't have long legs did not mean I wasn't fast.

I waited for the whistle and when it blew, I sprinted the short distance to the end. I looked behind me and saw the three other guys run past; their expressions priceless.

"Holy crap Jace! You're so fast!" Steven gaped.

"I told you I was good enough," I grinned. "I will catch you later, I still have to try the rest of the sports out!"

I jogged away and headed over to the long jump. I made a fairly decent jump and headed to the next sport. By the end of the day, I had tried every single athletic game available and I was exhausted. I was so into doing the sports I had missed lunch. Looking at my watch, I sighed as I realized I had another hour until dinner. Damn.

"There he is!" I heard someone call.

I looked around and saw a huge crowd of people filled with who I recognized as either coaches or club captains. The scary thing was; they were all running at me. Obviously Steve was in front, followed by the captain of soccer, hockey and rugby. Then there were several others behind them and even more behind them. I was so freaked out I couldn't move and before I knew it, I was surrounded.

"You have to join the Fencing club!"

"No way, he's joining the Soccer club!"

"Don't bull shit Ben! He's joining the Karate club!"

"In your dreams! He's a sprinter!"

"He's a basketball player!"

As the quarrels went on, I managed to crawl through their legs and get away from the mass group. I sprinted away the second I was free, but sadly they noticed fairly quickly. I kept running, thankfully being able to outrun them all. I found my way to my dorm and dashed inside my room, firmly locking the door behind me.

"Woah, Jace, what the hell is going on?" Blake asked, sitting up on his bed.

"The entire school is after me," I wheezed.

"What are you talking about?"

"I tried out for all the sports, and all the captains and coaches are after me!" I explained.

"Seriously? You must be good," Blake grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

"I didn't think I was that good though," I replied. "I'm nothing compared to the Olympians,"

"Your only 16, you can't be that good yet," Blake said. "At least another two years,"

"Yeah I guess," I replied, sluggishly climbing up onto my bunk.

"Do you want to get an early dinner then? That way you won't be chased,"

"You can do that?" I asked, suddenly full of energy again.

"Sure, I mean, only half an hour but it's better than nothing," Blake explained.

"Sweet! Let's do it then!" I grinned, jumping down and grabbing a change of clothes. "I'm having a shower then we can head over, yeah?" I called, slipping into the bathroom.

I locked the door and got undressed, slipping into the shower and turned on the water. I hummed to a random tune while I cleaned myself, and then I turned off the water and looked around for a towel. It was only then that I realized I left it on the end of my bunk.

"Shoot!" I cursed in a whisper. "How could I be so bloody stupid?!"

I thought about what I should do. I could wait until I dried naturally, but by then it would be way too late and Blake would think I was a water hog or something. But if I didn't do that, and I asked him to grab my towel, there was a risk I could be found out. I rubbed my temples with the tips of my fingers and thought about what I should do.

"Jace, what's taking you so long?" Blake called.

"I left my towel on my bunk and can't get dry," I replied without thinking.

Crap! This was bad, very, very bad! Stupid, stupid Jesse!

"Well here, open the door so I can give it to you!" he said, knocking on the door.

I gulped. I looked around wildly and grabbed my shirt, holding it over my chest before I opened the door; making sure I was on the side so he couldn't see me.

"Thanks Blake," I grinned, taking the towel off him.

He turned away and I quickly closed the door and dried myself. I began to panic. He didn't see anything, right!? He couldn't have! Yeah, that's right; the room was still a bit steamy so he couldn't have seen anything. I breathed a sigh of relief and threw on my boxers, shorts, singlet and shirt before draping my towel over my shoulders and heading back out.

"Thanks for that," I said, trying not to sound freaked out.

"Any time," he replied simply.

"Let's go, I'm starving," I said, throwing my towel over the back of my chair and heading to the door.

"Wait up will you?!" Blake called, jumping up from his bed and following me out.

We headed outside towards the cafeteria and talked about nothing in particular. The sun was low, but not so low that it was getting dark. Thankfully, the cafeteria was empty when we arrived, so we grabbed some food and ate at one of the tables.

"This stuff isn't too bad," I said.

"Haven't you ever had ramen before?" Blake asked.

"No, I don't live in a place that sells it you know!" I said.

"That's true I guess," he laughed. "My parents were always fond of food from other countries, so every Friday we would have things like this,"

"Really? We always had steak or something like that with vegetables," I said.

"Sounds like a normal family," Blake replied.

"Anything but," I mumbled.

We finished eating in silence, both of us enjoying the food. Once we had eaten our fill, we handed our dishes back and made our way back to the dorm. It was still 15minutes until dinner really started so thankfully we managed to avoid all the other students. When we got back, we both changed and went to sleep.

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